Chapter 7: complications.

Começar do início

"What?!" I asked stretching, after i came to conclusion that it was harry.

"Oh I'm sorry" i said after sitting up on my bed, wait how did i get on my bed? Ohwhalle (a/n emilyyy saays thaat!:)

"I have to go, so i put you in your bed, is that okay?" He asked twiddling his thumbs. What was wrong with him?

"Yeah, but whats wrong with you? What happened?" I asked.

"Uhh, ummm, i love you" he said kissing me then hurrying out if my room.

I looked at my clock and saw it was 2:30 in the morning, but why are they leaving now? Eh, whatever.

I got up from my bed and walked into my kitchen. I don't know why I'm so damn hungry! I grabbed 3 bananas and the peanut butter jar and ran back into my room, being silent so my family couldn't hear me.

I turned on my tv, and put on disney channel, YES! My favorite show was on. Phineas and Ferb. I unpeeled my banana as i was singing the theme song. I dipped my banana into my peanut butter and ate it. YUUUMM

(A/n go try that now:)

*5 o'clock*

"Acacia, acacia wake up" Nichole said as she was shaking me. I freaked out and fell off of my bed.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Theres someone in your house.." Emily said.

"Come on!" I said.


"Im sorry miss, we caught him, and all of your stuff will be replaced or you'll get the money back for it." The officer said to my mom.

"Thank you, at least he's gone." She replied.

"Mom, what happened?" I asked.

"Someone came into our house, and stole some of our stuff, but we got everything back" she said hugging me.

"Come here" she said to my friends, they ran over and we were all in a big croup huddle

~~~~3 days later~~~~

It was now 5:30 in the morning and i opened the drawer to my little dresser and saw my dairy.

"Hmm, i think i should write in this" i talked to myself.

I opened my dairy and went to the next open page.

'Dear diary,

My friends are now here, and im awake before them, so i decided id write in you. Your not so bad, really. I can honestly tell you anything. So thank you, and i love you.

~Sincerely, Acacia.'

Then i shut it and hit it under some school papers.

"Whats that?" Nichole asked , half-awake. Then she rubbed her eyes.

"Oh nothing, just, uhhh, just some school things." I said shutting my drawer.

"Whats wrong?" I said.

"Im homesick.." She said. Starting to cry.

"Awweee, I'm sorry, if you want ill send you home, today" i said with a smile.

"I want to see joey" she said starting to cry again, so i just pulled her close to me and hugged her.

"Can i go home, you wont be mad?" She asked.

"Yes, of course. Get your stuff ready, and ill drive you to the airport" i said gently.

"Okay" with that she walked out of my room, and into the guest room to get her stuff.

~~~12 minutes later~~~

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, thank you so much, and I'm so sorry, i love you!" She said and i guided her on the plane.

"Love you!" I yelled.


I got into my car and started to drive home. My house was at least like 3 minutes away from the airport.


"Wheres nichole?" Keri and emily said together.

"She went home, she wanted to see joey.." I said.

They both looked at each other.

"What?" I asked.

"Duude, she didn't even tell you!" Keri said.

"Shes preggoooooo!" Emily screamedd.

"What?" I just looked at emily.

"Yeah, she kinda hadsexwithaguy" keri said, making the ending fast.

"Huh?" I asked, i WOULD get this out of them.

"Ugh, don't be mad, but i think she had sex with one of the boys" emily said, looking at me with sympathy eyes.

"Who?" I asked, starting to doubt that it was harry.

"We don't know, she wouldn't say, all she said was that she needed to leave." Keri said.

"Keri, Emily, Harry was acting weird earlier, well, this morning, but do you think it was him?" I asked as harry and the boys walked in. I gave harry an angry look then ran into my room.


"What's wrong with her?" I asked.

"Did i do something wrong?" I added.

"She thinks you had sex with Nichole, because she's preegooo" Emily said.

"But, but I didn't." I said.

"Then go tell her!" Keri yelled.

So with that I ran to Acacia's room and knocked.

"Who is it?" She asked sobbing.

"Harry, can I come in?" I asked politely.

She opened the door and her eyes were all red and puffy.

"Aweee, babe, i didn't do anything with Nichole" i said.

"Promise?" She asked, looking in my eyes.

"I promise" i said then kissing her.


"I promise" harry said, then kissing me.

Then i started to hum the star wars theme song.

"OMG YOU LIKE STAR WARS?!" Harry screeched in excitemennt.

"Yeah" i said.

Then we walked in the living room.

"Where is everyone?" I asked

"I think they left.." Harry said.

Trying to cope with One Direction (One Direction fan-fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora