Chapter 6

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I'm good. Excuse me for fangirling but why is the perfect Luke Hemmings talking to me... The nobody.

Bc your beautiful ;)

Umm... I disagree. How long are you in PA for?

Well you should see yourself from my eyes. And for the month we are on break.

Well I live in PA so that's cool.

Wanna meet some time?

That sounds fun. How about tomorrow night at 8? We could grab pizza and a movie?

See you then sugar ;)

I really like Bella. Well remember how I really liked her before? Ya I really really like her now. She's just... I don't know I can't explain it.

Since it was 2am and I was going to see her tomorrow I decided to go to sleep so day will come faster. I click off the bed side lamp and go to sleep.

-the next day at 5pm-


"I got 3 hours till I see Luke so I guess I'll start getting ready." I said to myself

Getting my MacBook Air I pulled up my playlist on Spotify so I'm not getting ready in silence. As fly away blasts through the speakers I jump in the shower. I let the hot water soak my body as I washed my long brown hair.

After the shower I blew my hair dry. It was soft. It was always soft. I decided to straighten the dark brown frizzy hair.

After doing my hair I did my makeup. I decided to just look casual and go with a light color eye shadow. I put mascara on my already very long eyelashes. The lipstick I put in was red. It wasn't very bright though.

Leaving the bathroom I walked into my rather messy room. I put on my black ripped jeans and a red flannel.

"Okay it's 7:30" I said to myself grabbing my combat boots and walking out to my car. We decided to meet there.

I got there at 7:54. I sat on the bench in front of the pizza place. I decided to put a selfie on snapchat. Making the duck face putting up the piece sign I took the picture and captioned it with a duck emoji.

"Well well well. Look who's taking selfies" Luke said sitting next to me.

"Hi" I said shyly

"How's it going babe?" He said sitting back.

Did Luke hemmings just call me babe? Loosing my train of thought I started to daydream.


"Hello?" I said waving my hand in front of her face.

"Oh sorry" she said blushing

"It's cool" I said "so wanna go in and eat?" I asked

Authors note

Haha oh Bella. Always out of it. Wonder how this movie thing is gonna go... Hmmmmm

Guys I ate another Swissroll

The girl with the ripped jeansTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang