"You tell me where the witches are or Ill tell my sister to kill Elena right now." Elijah comes down in front of Damon.

"You told me we had until after 9." Damon complains.

"Well I'm sure Rebekah would be more then happy to start her work early." Elijah responds.

*Melanie's POV*

I wake up and know something's wrong. Jeremy looks at me and asks if I'm okay.

"Ya I'm good, I need to go."  I say while getting up.

"Wait what? Mel?" Jer grabs me.

"I can't explain but Jer something's happening and I need to go find out. I'll see you after ok? I'll be fine. I'll see you tonight." I go and kiss him on the cheek and leave to go find everyone else. I go to the Grill and find Kol, Eljiah, Nik and Caroline in the alley way. "Nik what's happening?"

"Melanie." He sighs in relief. "We need to go to the witch house. Mother is trying to kill us."

"Wait what?" I ask.

He doesn't respond and turns to Caroline. "Love you need to leave. Go to the mansion. I'll see you after."

"Wait what? No Klaus. I'm not leaving you." She says determined.

"Yes you are. I can't have you hurt. It will be easier for me to concentrate without you being there because you will be safe tucked away. I can't have you hurt. Please Caroline?" He asks with puppy eyes.

"Fine but if anything happens, I'm going to kill you." She says seriously.

Nik just laughs and kisses her. She pulls away and vamp speeds to the mansion. "What just happened?" I ask Nik.

"No time to explain. We need to go find mother." He says.

We show up at the witch house to see mother and Finn in a star made of salt. What the hell?

"Their coming mother." Finn tells Esther.

"No it's to soon. The moons not high enough. Go, quickly." She tells Bonnie and Abbey. Wait Bonnie? Isn't she Kol's soulmate.

"My children come forward." Esther tells us.

"Stay behind me." Finn tells her.

"It's ok. They can't enter." She says while grabbing his hand.

Kol goes close to it but the fire shoots up so he steps back. "That's lovely. We're stuck out here while the favourite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are Finn." Kol says.

"Be quiet Kol. Your brother knows virtu you could not even imagine." Esther says.

"Whatever you think of us, killing your own children will be atrocity." Elijah says.

"My only regret, is that I did not let you die a thousand years ago." She replies.

"Enough. All this talk is boring me. End this now mother. Or I'll send you back to hell." Nik says finally done with her.

"For a thousand years I've been forced to watch you. Felt the pain of every victim. Suffered while you shed blood. Even you Elijah, with your claim to nobility. You're no better. All of you. You're a curse on this earth. Stretched out over generations. If you've come to plead for your life I'm sorry. You've waisted your time." Esther says.

"You know what. You're a horrible mother. I'm happy Nik killed you a thousand years ago. You are supposed to be our mother and your killing us. Do you know how sick that is? Do you even realize you are killing your own children?" I ask.

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