Breaking The Rules Of The Ancients : Chapter 1

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this story will be changing from third person to first person to third person omniscient, depending on my mood. And sorry for the crappy directions. I'm directionally challenged, so never follow the directions that are in this story in real life.

This is an original story that I came up with while visiting the Forbidden city in china, in case you haven't read the description. But I DID NOT GET IDEAS FROM ANY OTHER BOOK, MANGA, ANIME, WHATEVER.

so if it sounds like some sort of manga, its not.

kthxbye <3



Chapter 1

My life sucks.

It was the only thing on her mind right now. The only thing she could think of as she sprinted around the corner of 41st and 8th street, running for her life. She could hear the sounds of pursuit even over the cars and trucks and taxis that threatened to run her over. Swerving, she narrowly missed running into a pizza delivery man on a bicycle and continued to sprint. The sound of her pounding heart and the wind through her long, messy black hair accompanied her in the race through the city.

She turned the corner and ducked behind the street vendor's cart.

"Hey Ricky!" She said, looking up at the man flipping hot dogs on the grill. He looked down at her, his shaggy brown locks falling over his laughing eyes before grinning and looking back up.

"So, who's after you this time?" He asked, "The Demons? The Street Lords?"

"Street Lords", she replied, distracted. "They just don't get it. I was walking with Chris through the park when I saw them dealing." She scowled. She may be part of a gang, but drugs were definitely not allowed in her gang. She couldn't even believe that they weren't selling on their own territory. "They don't learn." She said.

"So why didn't you just beat them up?" He asked idly, his eyes darting back and forth, searching for the black scarves that marked the members of the Street Lords.

"Apparently, that doesn't work, seeing as they didn't learn the lesson the last time. So this time, I took the coke and threw it in the river."

"You-!" he looked down at her shocked.

"They're here!" She exclaimed suddenly, jumping to kiss him on the cheek. "Thanks for all the help!"

With a wave backwards, she stepped out from behind his vendors cart and yelled, "OVER HERE!"

"That idiot." He thought, muttering curses under his breath, before turning back to his work.


She stopped in a dead end and turned to face her pursuers.

....Two, three, four, five. 

She counted silently, noting the different positions of their black scarves. Nothing higher than the arm. Good. Head bands and neck bands signified the higher-ups of the gang, while the man with the tattoo on his face was the Street Lord himself.

"You guys never learn, do you?" She called out once they got close.

"Who do you think you are, huh? You know who you're messin' with?" The one with the armband snarled and moved forward, inch by inch, step by step.

"You, my friend, were selling drugs on Breaker Territory. You shouldn't even be in our land, but to sell drugs? Don't you know the rules of the street?" She asked him with a smirk, watching his face contort into an ugly frown. "Or did Mr.'Street Lord' not educate his underlings?" She taunted him, waiting for him to break and lash out first.

The leader sneered. "Why would I need to go to the Lord when I'm dealing with a bunch of wimps?"

She frowned. That was the wrong thing to say.

"The Breakers ain't even a gang! Its a girls followed by a group of weaklings."

"That's not what the other six guys said when I left them to crawl back to their mommies." She grinned wolfishly, baring her teeth, and the man-with-the-armband clenched his fists. 

He punched her in the face.

Or rather, tried to.

She ducked, seeing the clenching of his muscles in his stomach that signaled his next movfes. Then, she punched him in the face.

She didn't miss.

His head snapped back with a click.

Chaos broke loose.

She ducked to avoid another punch in the face and jumped to avoid a leg sweep, then grabbed her attacker's wrist, swiftly twisting it - and him - causing the man to yell in pain. She pushed him in front of her to shield a punch to the stomach, then whirled around just in time to block a kick from the side. She tossed the now knocked-out puncher to the side and advanced slowly.

One down, four to go.

She whirled, karate-chopping the man behind her on the side of his neck, making him drop his weapon - a piece of wood - and pass out.

Make that three.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2011 ⏰

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