Chapter Thirteen

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Baileys POV

I watched as Aiden dug around the house, the early morning light filtering through so I could see in colour.

"Here you're going to need this" he says, handing me a ear piece.

I put it in and wait for him, we are going to get my sister and Aiden's pack.

A shiver works it's way up my spine, thoughts race around my mind trying to make me crazy.

"Okay, let's go"

"Move out" I say in a mocking voice.

We walk out of the house and into the garage, three cars are parked waiting for us.

"you take one and I'll take an another" Aiden says.

"Wait, I haven't driven before?"The fact that talking as become easiler seems to faze me, Maddie will love that I can talk.

"so, this is a matter of life and death, just follow my lead" He says laughing.

I grab the keys he throws to me, I stare at them. I'm a wild werewolf, I don't even know how to cook never mind drive.

I sigh, Aiden wouldn't want me dead so I guess he doesn't think I could wreak it. I unlock the car and sit in the driver seat, my heartbeat goes crazy and I close my eyes for a second.

"Put the key in and turn it, the car will tell you the rest" Aiden shouts from one of the other cars. 

Here goes nothing I think to myself as I twist the key. The car rumbles to life and I suddenly know what to do. It's like a switch flickered on in my head and I find myself doing everything I need to.

I shift it into gear and the car moves slowly forward, I hear Aiden laugh and I look at the top mirror. My face looks like it ate a lemon.

"Yeah!" I yell as I pick up speed.

I laugh as Aiden looks on in horror, I watch him point and find myself facing an oncoming car. I swerve and breath a sigh of relief, I need to get it together.

If I'm to save my sister then I need to survive driving, that could be harder then it looks. I laugh as I try my hardest to keep the car straight, it's hard but I soon get a handle on it.


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