"A Complication"

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Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't speak Russian, so any misspellings please feel free to correct me!
(I don't own Marvel etc etc, characters created i.e Elissa are my own)


Fisk slammed his hand down on the glass table, threatening to smash it into a thousand tiny pieces.
"What do you mean there was a complication?"

The large man turned in rage to face the semi-circle greeting him with silence. He scanned all faces, eyes bulging, from Nobu, to Leland, to Francis, and his confidant Wesley.

"Forgive me," Fisk's eyes then reached Madame Gao, "I know this is not your fault."
She nodded in acknowledgment, yet no words left her pursed lips. With anger equalling Fisk's, Anatoly threw open the door, his sudden presence being noticed by all.

"Where is my brother?" He yelled, accent thick with fury, footsteps quickening with every stride to the group he took. "Where is he?"

Wesley began to respond to the Russian, who was seething with rage as he looked for answers. "There was a complic-"

"-Well isn't that a word we're hearing more often." Leland cut in. "A complication. Yes this, man in the mask, is he not?"

"He was part of the problem, yes. The Serbian's were supposed to stand guard while your brother finished him off, but looks like they were all taken out."

"Taken out? By who? Some mudak in another mask maybe? Some идиот who is weakening the operation, again, no?" Anatoly stepped towards Wesley, whose eyes closed slightly and head jerked to the side, questioning the Russian's stance as he refused to move.

"No." Fisk looked towards Anatoly. "Some.. agents, we believe. They're not with us."

"So they're against us." Leland again, interrupted. "Great. Just what we need. More people in-"
"Agents?" Anatoly enquired. "What kind? Russian, Britis-"
"Oh well I suppose if they were Russian this wouldn't matter. Maybe they would even help raise the numbers you and your brother are lacking." Leland responded, causing tensions to rise among their company.
"You speak of my brother like he is not here. You're right. Where is he? Was this you? Yo-"

In one sudden action Fisk threw the table across the room, the contact with the glass and the wall so fierce that this time, it did break. The table was left scattered across the concrete floor, light reflecting from the shards into the dimly lit meeting place.

"This.. complication.. must be fixed." Fisk spoke with heavy breaths and a deeper voice. "Find them. The agents. Kill them."

"And my brother?" Questioned Anatoly.

"FIND THEM." Yelled Fisk, voice resonating around the large room, bouncing off the bare walls and hitting the eardrums of the people gathered only a few meters in front of him. Wesley took this as his queue to leave and follow his employer's demands, taking Francis with him. Anatoly stood for a moment, watching Fisk, whose hands were shaking with the sudden anger release that had arisen from him. Madame Gao rose slowly from the one seat in the room, nodded at the men and decided it was her turn to leave.
"Please er, let me walk you out." Leland buttoned up his jacket and turned on his heels. Anatoly then followed, with silent Nobu close behind.
The door slowly shut. Fisk was breathing deep and fiddling with his cufflinks in an attempt to calm himself. The fragmented glass was left on the floor, reflecting the life of Hell's Kitchen into the room.


Идиот - idiot

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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