The temprory fake hate part

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Me and my best friend

Wait what was her name again?

Were walking silently down the hallway when we heard wolf whistles and catcalls from behind. There was a group of the most gorgeous people I had ever seen in that day and they walked over to me.

"Hii" the totally drool worthy badboy supreme said with blue eyes as transparent and deep as the sky and the heaven above and his curly brown hair rumpled in a mess.

Oh how much I HATED him.

"Whatever hi" I tried to appear uninterested so he would know I am not like the other girls who are all over him.
My best friend raised her eyebrows and winked at me then scurried away. So did the rest of his friends and the people in the hallway and it's totally not like we are here to study or anything.

My indifference seemed to do the trick. He was SO into me.

He pulled out a bucket of water from behind him and poured it all over my head

"Jenny you look so funny..ha hahahha" he laughed in his deep husky voice
" shut up moron!!" I ran upstairs , my soul touching tears leaking out of my beautiful green orbs.

My mind was a whirling tornado of voices why did he do this to me? I never expected this of him it's like I understand and trust him more than any other person though we met 5 minutes ago

I spent the rest of my day crouched by the restroom door spilling the contents of my broken heart though my eyes

Now I hate that playboy *just for like 2 chapters

Hii peepals
So are you enjoying this story so far? I don't care I am still gonna write it
Bye again

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