Day 3 ~after story~

Start from the beginning

"Kei Shintaro came from a rich family so it shouldn't be a problem for him to get one," Ranmaru stated but in a tone of annoyance. "Damn that rich guy..."

"Ran-chan-senpai sounds jealous~" Natsuki muttered under his breath with his closed eye smile.

"What did you say, you piyo-chan freak?!" Ranmaru yelled.

By the time they stopped argueing, they had already arrived at the storeroom, which was huge enough to fit four cars at minimum(the storeroom was at the second floor where not much people would notice it's existence, surprisingly).

Back in the hotel...
Room 141

"Fuuuuwaaaa...finally we get to have some time to relax," Ittoki sighed in content as he got into the swimming pool.

"It was rather a tiring day," Masato stated as he was doing his calligraphy, which was his way of relieving stress. He was currently wrting his calligraphy on the carpet floor inside the room.

Ren, who happen to overheard his statement, let out a laugh. To Masato's dismay, he shot a glare at his scion.

"What's so funny?" Masato questioned as he started to make the black ink.

"You were saying that you were tired but you were actually sitting in a most stressful way," Ren explained as he took a sip out of his lemonade. After that, he then joined Ittoki in the pool.

Suddenly, Tokiya appeared in the hotel room. His robe was totally drenched and the water droplets on his face were noticible. It wasn't raining outside, so where could he had gone to?

"Yo, Ichi. Where had you been?" Ren asked as he waved at him to get his attention.

"I was meditating under the waterfall because of thinking too much during work just now," Tokiya replied straightforwardly.

"Tokiya, what's on your mind?" Ittoki asked worriedly.

"I was thinking of lyrics for future uses until I had to make my way to the waterfall," Tokiya replied as he took a towel hanging on the sofa. This made the others just facepalmed at themselves except for Masato, who was somewhat glad that Tokiya accepted his idea.

"So, did it help?" Masato asked, earning a nod from Tokiya.

"Ichi really is alot worse that Masa in some ways..." Ren commented.

Room 142

"Uwaaa...another fulfilling day~" Ringo exclaimed. "Cecil-chan is returning to normal soon too!"

"But...I'd rather stay as a cat because that way, Haruka can play with me more...." Cecil mumbled sadly as he hugged the pillow tightly.

"Seriously...Cecil-chan really is weird. Getting to return back to yourself should be the best moment in life," Ringo said with a pout. "I might miss your cat ears and tail soon..."

"Nee~~ lemme touch them!" Ringo requested, clasping his hands together while expecting a good response.

Cecil just nodded and Ringo quickly carressed his ears and his tail. Even attempted to nibble his ears but before he could, Hyuuga arrived in the room on time.

"What are you two doing?" Was all Hyuuga asked as his eyes dropped to Ringo and Cecil's weird pose. Ringo was stroking Cecil's abdomen, pretending him to be like the cat. As for Cecil, he was acting like a real cat somehow...

Room 144

"Ne~ Syo-chan, it really is a rare chance so, please take off your clothes," Natsuki requested with his smile on, having his weird plans at the back of his head.

"I could sense that your motives are not as good as ever..." Syo stated as he was trying to prevent Natsuki from reaching him by backing off himself to the pool.

Natsuki still hasn't given up on his plans as he was still approaching Syo. Syo, on the other hand, was already at the edge of the pool. Just a small push could send him into the cold waters.

"DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!!" Syo exclaimed frantically.

Being unable to balance, Syo fell into the pool with his clothes on.

"Syo-chan always likes to get ahead of me...with those clothes on, you'll catch a cold. It's better to wear swimming trunks," Natsuki explained, to which Syo responds with a loud sneeze. "That's what you get when you don't listen to what others had to say."

Currently, the seniors won't be back to the hotel at they went back to the agency to deal with their tasks.

Hi everyone, glad to see that you guys are still reading. This and my previous chapter are somehow boring as my ideas are really bland... anyhow, I will try my best with the remaining chapters. Guess who's gonna be featured in the next chapter?

I wish Utapri season 4 is out as soon as possible. Wonder who might win...

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