Chapter 1 : Confused

Start from the beginning

And ero-sannin and I were supposed to be on our training trip right now.

'Where is he? Argh, that pervert!'

As the pain and the numbness had disappeared, I began to move and stand. Walking through the Konoha forest that I seemed to be in. How the hell am I in Konoha? Weren't ero-sannin and I were near the border of Takigakure?

But as I looked around, something's not right. I was pretty sure that this was the Konoha forest, but they seemed so unfamiliar to me. No other country had this kind of trees. It was so similar yet so different that I couldn't put my finger on where the odd thing was.

'In a unknown territory, first conceal yourself. Gather information. Always be aware of your surrounding' was what ero-sannin once told me. Taking his advice, I used a henge. My blonde hair became red, my skin a lighter color and my eyes turned to brown.

I proceed to walk when something stopped me. A sound. Curious, I decided to see what sound was that. I followed the source of the sound, stealthily. As the sound grew closer and louder, I realized that it came from the waterfall. Wait, am I in Takigakure? I don't think so. This is Konoha, and I'm sure of it.

I almost dismissed the waterfall and was about to walk again when something caught my eyes. It was a figure of a woman. I could only see silhouette of her body shape as she was behind the waterfall. She had the most womanly body I ever seen. All of her cleavage on the right places. And I could see that she had a toned body.

The silhouette of the woman appeared to me to be dancing. She danced gracefully and her long hair made it looks more beautiful. But, as I looked closer and longer, I realized the woman was not dancing. She was doing a taijutsu. I was mesmerized. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I didn't even realized it when my body unconsciously moving on itself. Getting closer and closer. I didn't even realized that I was now walking on top of the water.

So, when something like a bullet shot to me from behind the waterfall, it caught me off-guard. The two water bullet was so fast, so sudden and so unseenable that I could have missed it if I wasn't so concentrated on the woman behind the waterfall. She shot it, in-between her stance. It hit my right and left shoulder. And it hurt, a lot that I couldn't feel my shoulders right now. But as a ninja, I was prepared for an attack. I called for a jutsu, my speciality: 'Kage Bunshin no Jutsu'; but alas it did not work, and I don't know why.

"Any jutsu won't work. I had closed the tenketsu on your shoulders,"

The voice come from the woman. It was gentle yet promised pain. That voice, it seemed very familiar. Who?

If I couldn't use any jutsu, then... I take out my kunai, but damn, my shoulders could not support my hand and the kunai fell and drowned. The woman was right. I couldn't even do anything with my hand as she had closed the tenketsus.

Wait, what? Tenketsu? Weren't the only one who could close the tenketsu thing was the Hyuuga? How... Was she... a Hyuuga?

"Who... Who are you?"

My heart was beating so fast as the woman slowly come out of the waterfall. Her movement was so graceful. She was a graceful lady, alright; but she was deadly. Two shots to my shoulders and I was defeated.

I could feel blood crept to my cheeks forming a blush. She was beautiful. Perfect. She had a long midnight blue hair that looked so pretty and soft like silk. She had skin like porcelain. She wore complete ninja attire, short black pant and sleeveless lavender kimono style outfit. Weapon couches included, and she wore black ninja fingerless high-boots and black stockings. She was a Hyuuga, for sure. The white eyes gave it away. But hers, they looked like moons and it was beautiful.

Still, one thing confuse me and I couldn't put my finger around it. But why do I think that she looked very, very familiar?

She was now walking towards me. Studying me. And I could feel myself began to fidgeting. "Umm...uhh... Lady, p-please release me. I-I don't mean to bother you." Weird, where did my courtesy came from? Whatever, as long as I'm not going to be dead right now.

"Not unless I see that you are harmless, towards me and towards my village," she said. "I'm going to ask you questions, good?" She asked and I nod.

"What's your name?" She asked. "Uzu-" wait, I cannot revealed my identity. I'm on a henge right now. Use another name. Think fast!

"Uzunaga Menma"

Her reaction was weird. She blinked, then stared at me. "Menma?" She asked unsure. "Uh?" Confused I am. "Your name is Menma?" Stupid! Your fake name! "Yeah!" I stupidly grinned. She stared. "Okay" she replied finally.

After a bunch of answers that I faked. She said I was harmless. I had a feeling inside that she knew I was mostly lying. I suck at lying. But I think she could feel that I was that, harmless.

Weird lady.

"So, Uzunaga Menma, a 13 years old-boy. From the Land of Wind. Parentless, live with his grandfather, Uzunaga Jirou, a retired ninja. Trained by him. Never entered the academy. Know a few jutsus. In journey with his grandfather, but now separated. Unknown cause. Very lost. Very confused. And very hungry." She summed up. I could only nod.

"Well, come on. I'll take you to the village and we can have the lunch that you want." She said kindly, smiling.

"Really!? Thank you lady!" I grinned and hopped around her feeling very happy and relieved.

"Let's go...umm... Sorry, lady. But what's your name?"

She stared at me, again. As if she was surprised that I did not know her. But then, she smiled and answer me.

"Hyuuga Hinata."

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