Pros and Cons of KFC Chips

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KFC Chips are great for lunch, dinner or just a snack after a long day and are delicious. But just like every food in the world there is some things wrong with them.


KFC chips are great and can go with just about any hot meal, and not only that they make for a great snack. There are not many hot foods that do this as well as these chips. They also go very well in meals, especially with burgers and a soft drink to cool it down. And the cost is very good as well.


Yes, the chips are to die for but there are a few problems. Unlike the homemade ones, you can't make them at home and you must go to the store to get them. Also KFC Chips can fill you up quickly now this is good but if you eat your chips first you might get full and won't finish your burger, and believe me that's not good.

In a score of 1 - 10 I give it a 8 / 10. There is NOTHING wrong with the flavor but they can be filling and if you don't have a good stomach then you might not finish your meal which would be a waste of food and money and you have to travel there as well. But other then that they are an extremely tasty snack, lunch and dinner but probably not the best breakfast food. ;)

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