"Why did you do that?" I complained, my hand moving up to my head automatically.

When he did not reply, I shifted myself to meet his eyes and I regretted it immediately. His eyes blazed with so much anger that I felt scorched simply by looking at it.

"Why did I do that, you asked?" he repeated my question in a frighteningly calm voice.

Not trusting my own voice, I nodded.

"If I did not do that, you would have broken your neck from twisting in the wrong direction."

I twisted in the wrong direction?

Zander stood up and I followed suit.

"Don't even make the request for me to assess you when you can't even focus on what you're doing. It's a waste of time and energy," Zander admonished.

"Don't vent your anger out on her," Ducan spoke up.

I whirled around to see both him and Falice. Did they come here after witnessing the fall?

"No Ducan, it's my fault. I was distracted," I admitted, shaking my head.

"Are you guys alright?" Falice asked in concern.

"Yup I'm fine," I smiled at her reassuringly.

"Fortis, you don't have to speak up for him. I can help you too you know," Ducan held my gaze as he said these, wanting his words to get through my head.

"But it's really my fault for not focusing," I told Ducan firmly. "Just go back and train with Falice. Don't make me feel even more guilty for taking up your training time too."

"...Alright," Ducan sighed at my resolve. "Um...Let's go Falice."

I turned back to face Zander after both Ducan and Falice had left. "I'm sorry for wasting your time and effort. I understand if you don't wish to continue..."

"Let's continue," Zander finalised.

I squinted my eyes at his face. Is he serious about it?

"What are you doing?" he asked warily.

"Just checking if you meant what you said."

"And did you arrive at an answer yet?" he raised a brow in curiosity.

"Yes you mean it," I nodded after a few seconds of observing him.

"Well, then we have no more time to waste."


The rest of the assessment went relatively smoothly. I don't know whether Ducan and Falice were still staring at us after that and that just proved how focused I was on the assessment-which was a good thing.

*After lunch*

"Hi Fortis," Ryon stopped me the moment I stepped out of the dining hall.

"Oh hey Ryon," I greeted him.

I was kind of surprised that he even approached me.

"How's your injuries doing?"

He looked surprised by my question.

"I'm fine now, thanks for asking."

"That's good to hear. You were great you know? During the assessment. You didn't give up despite how much pain you were in."

He scratched his head at the compliment. "You think so?"

"Yup. Keep it up," I flashed him a genuine smile.

Just the Start. (The Clovers series: Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora