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a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done.

Harry wiped his eyes furiously, a constant stream of tears flowing from his beautiful emerald orbs. He had always been one with a strong hatred for crying, but in this moment, he had no other choice then to wallow in his own self-pity. He had never felt weaker.

"Harry, Harry look at me," Louis begged. His voice was breaking too. It pained him to see Harry so broken. He had never meant for it to get this far. It was supposed to be a joke. He wasn't supposed to fall in love.

"Get away from me!" Harry wailed. "I don't want you! I don't want to be with you! I don't love you!" Harry tripped slightly over his own feet as he slowly backed away from Louis. " I hate you!"

Louis reached out to grab for harry's hand, but he pulled away.

"Please." Harry gasped. "You never loved me! It was all lies, Louis! Everything you ever said to me!"

Harry began to feel sick to his stomach just thinking of everything he and Louis had done together. The kissing, the touching, the sex- oh god, the sex. He gave himself to Louis and Louis was using him this whole time. Their entire relationship was based on a lie, and now Harry could taste the bile rising in the back of his throat.

Louis tried to look at Harry the best he could through his blurred vision. his throat was tight as he breathed out another "I'm so sorry." he wiped his crystal blue eyes and took another step towards Harry, and he didn't know if he had just caught him off guard with what he had said, or harry was finally willing to listen to him, but he didn't move away. and because of that, a swell of hope arose in Louis' chest "we were perfect together hazza. We were made for each other. You mean everything to me, and you weren't supposed to find out this way, I'm so sor-"

"Save it." Harry muttered bitterly. "It's over."

"I regret nothing." Louis finally spoke after a long pause, holding his breath awaiting Harry's response.

But what he got in return was not at all what he expected.

"Yeah? Well i regret everything."


dont worry I haven't forgot about my other book , I've just had the worst writers block for what I want to happen next but expect an update soon AF !

love y'all and I hope u like this book , I'm excited for it !!

PS: if any of u wonderful people are going to warped 2016 in Orlando hmu cause I'm going and I wanna make friends! 💗💗

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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