Chapter 15

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We left a few hours ago, and it was one of the hardest thing I ever had to do. I know I don't love Damon, but there is a feeling there that I can't put my finger on. I know there is something, but I can't let him know. I left quickly, with the guys and my brother, needing to get to safety and think.

We are walking through the woods the leaves crunching under our feet. I feel the sudden chill of the wind and look up to the sky. The stars are all out in the clear dark night shy.

I take another step and freeze. I feel my body tense, so she knows there must be danger. Toby and Holden stand on either side of me, and tense a little too. The other four stop and perk their ears up to listen around. I do the same and feel someone's eyes on me. I whip my head around to see a pair of bright yellow eyes. I gulp whimpering slightly. Everyone looks to me then the direction I am looking at.

They all growl as Holden steps forward. His white wolf standing tall and fearless. Toby nudges me gently to let me know I'm fine. The yellow eyes come forward and they belong to a dusty colored wolf. He is old with the fur white around the muzzle and eyes. The man shifts covering himself with his hands. "Young lady, you shouldn't be out here." He says. I cock my head at him. His eyes are glued to me and that makes the guys all growl.

"You're carrying pups, right?" He asks his eyes flickering to my stomach. I nod my head stepping next to Holden to stand on front of the man. He grins at me before looking around quick. "You need to get them to safety. The rouges can't know about them." He says.

"They will be special, and in danger." I look at him like he is crazy, but the smell smoke fills my nose, so I take a step back. "Go now! I set up your "death" for the rouges, but just to keep them busy. They will find out it isn't you." We all run, and take off to Alpha Adam's territory. What was that crazy man talking about?

We race until I can't move another step. I look to the guys and see their tired looks in their eyes. 'We should rest here for the night.' Holden says through mind link. We all nod, and I lay down not thinking twice about it. The twins go and look around to make sure we are safe. I close my eyes and feel a presence near me.

They nudge me with their noise and my eyes snap open. I look into Nathan's eyes as he doesn't move. I cock my head at him. 'Was he telling the truth?' He asks through mind link.

'Yes, but if you or anyone else tells Damon I will kill you.' I warn him.

'Are you threatening me?' He snorts.

'No' I growl. 'Its a promise.' I say coldly. He steps back nodding his head with his ears down, and walks over to Lance. He walks with his tail between his legs and his head down low. I laugh inside knowing I scared him. Toby comes and lays next to me giving me a questionable look. I just shake my head and rest my head on my paws.

I close my eyes as I feel Holden come closer to me. He lays next to me on my right, and Toby is on my left. I lean against Holden and move to lay on my side with my head on his stomach. I shiver from the wind and feel Holden nuzzle my head. I feel a feeling of safety and fall into sleep.

"Wake up!" I hear pulling me out of my slumber. My eyes snap open and I'm in a room chained to the wall. I look around to see gray and only the color gray. "Hey! Over here mutt!" The voice shouts. I focus my eyes on the man in front of me.

"Where am I?" I ask my voice sounding scratchy. I look down to see my blood on the floor. There is a blood stain on my shirt over my slightly swollen stomach and my breath hitches in my throat.

"Can't tell you, but someone is here to see you." He says grinning evilly. The door the opens sending light in from the hall. I squint and see two men bringing someone in. I can smell his scent and growl knowing they hurt him.

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