Seducing my Husband Kuroko Tetsuya (1)

Start from the beginning

No reaction.

"There was a sauce." I said.

"Is that so. You should've told me. I can wipe it by myself"he said with a blank face.

It didn't work.

I couldn't answer so I continued eating.

After dinner the we went to the living room.

The two of us are sitting beside each other on the sofa.

Kuroko-cchi continued reading the book he was reading earlier.

I felt pissed off. I wanted to cuddle with him seems he is preoccupied with the book.

Is the book more important than me?

[tip no.2 give her a few sneak peaks. Show her your sexy side.]

I stood up and started working my muscles out in front of Kuroko-cchi.

He grabbed the dumbbell and started to work out my biceps.

I tried to steal glances at him if he's watching me or not.

'Not working'

I got down and started doing sit ups.

'Not working'

I did all my workout routine but's not working.

He didn't even took a glance of me.

I stood up and remove my shirt.

I tried showing him my abs which is covered with my sweat.

I stretched my arm showing him my well defined oblique muscles.

I stared at Kuroko-cchi hoping he'll look at me.

'He's not even looking at me!'

[tip no.3 arouse her. Whisper into her ears, touch her fingers, reach out from across her.]

I sat down really close to Kuroko.

"What are you reading?" I whispered on his ear.

"......" no answer.

I grabbed his hand that is holding the book to see what he is reading.

"Hmm" I hummed.

It's just some kind of historical novel.

I stared at his eyes.

He wont look back at me.

I let out a sigh.


I reached out for the remote across him.

Bringing my face closer to his.

I turned on the TV but I don't plan watching anything.

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