The Almost People

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"Wavelength," the Doctor finished. "You see? Great minds."

"Exactly. So, what's the plan?"

"Save them all, all humans and Gangers."

"Tall order, sounds wonderful."

"Is that what you were thinking? It's just so inspiring to hear me say it."

"I know!"

"Is this a dream?" Jessie asked Fitz, watching the two Doctors with wide eyes.

"Er . . . no, it's not," Fitz shook his head.

"OK, good. I was beginning to worry."

Fitz stared at her. " . . . you dream about duplicate Doctors?"

Jessie paused, and for a second, Fitz thought she wouldn't answer, but then he saw the faint blush in her cheeks. "What kind of dream would you want me to say?" she finally asked, her voice a tinge higher.

"JESSIE!" Fitz shouted, turning away, eyes wide, surprised she'd even say that!

"What?" the Doctor turned, eyes wide.

"Wife?" the Ganger echoed, turning as well.

"What happened?"

"Something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong," Jessie shook her head, laughing at the identical worried looks on her faces. "Oh, God, this is priceless!"

"Doctor, come on!" Amy groaned.

The two snapped out of it. "So, what now, Doctor?" the Ganger asked.

"Well, time to get cracking, Doctor," the Doctor answered, and both ran over.

"Hello!" they said at the same time. "Sorry, but we had to establish a few ground rules."

"Formulate a protocol," the Doctor nodded.

"Protocol?" his Ganger asked, raising an eyebrow. "Very posh."

"A protocol between us. Otherwise - "

"It gets horribly embarrassing."

"And potentially confusing."

"I'm glad you've solved the problem of confusing," Amy rolled her eyes.

The Ganger Doctor frowned. "That's sarcasm."

"She's very good at sarcasm," the Doctor agreed.

Both of them said at the same time, "Breathe."

"What?" Amy blinked.

"We have to get you off this island," the Doctor said. "And the Gangers, too."

"Sorry, would you like a memo from the last meeting?" Cleaves glared. "They are trying to kill us!"

"And pray tell, who's fault is that?" Jessie glared right back at her.

"They're scared," the Doctor said.

"Doctor, we're trapped here," Amy said.

"Right," the Doctor nodded, looking around. "See, I don't think so. The Flesh Bowl is fed by cabling from above."

"But where are the earthing conduits?" the Ganger asked.

"All this piping must go down into a tunnel or a shaft or something, yes? With us?"

"Ergo," Jessie smirked, leaning against a wall, kicking a grating with her heel. "Ta da!"

"Yowza!" the Doctor grinned. "An escape route!"

Living In Time And Space (Book Six of The Bad Wolf Chronicles)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin