Harry watched as the words I love you, he had so cleverly created, danced in a circle around her. He had gotten the idea for this by Tom Riddle from the Chamber of Secrets. He had to do a lot of research to learn how to make the mist stay in one place and form those words.

The tricky part was having them start glowing when they were all detached from the birds. Now all he had to do was keep concentrating on where he wanted them to go, he was the one controlling their actions.

The words twirled around her arm lifting it from beside her, then they flowed to the other arm and did the same. They started to pick up speed and felt like wind when they flew past her.

Whispering broke Hermione's ears. the words changed directions and dove down to her feet. The glow was starting to get brighter as it encircled her ankles. The words were no longer visible because they were moving so fast and the light was too bright.

The circle that the messages had formed at her feet rose, and so did she. The ferocity of the wind that they were creating was lifting her. The circle was moving up and had now reached her waist.

She started to panic, even though she wasn't far from the ground she was afraid she would fall. The whispering grew louder, and she realised that they were coming from the words.

By the time the encirclement had reached her chest, she could hear what the words were saying.

"I love you, I love you, I love you... was repeated over and over again each time the words circled around. By this time her hair flew up like a gust of wind had just burst through the Great Hall. Her arms lifted from the pressure, and she closed her eyes at the sensation running in her body.

She felt like she was flying, being lifted by unseen arms. The words that were dancing around her started to cease. They played at her fingertips and slowly brought her down.

Once on the ground they joined forming a single cloud of haze. Right before her eyes it began to sculpt into letters. The Script was beautiful calligraphy that spelt out three words.

When Hermione read them, she wanted to faint. Her heart literally skipped a beat and then stopped completely. Tears burned her insides, while she tried to hold them off.

Always and Forever

It spoke the words out, softly, at once she recognised the voice, it was Harry's. However she was the only one who was able to hear it.

The message broke apart and raced up like fire. Four feet above her it flashed violently and burst into gold sparks that fell upon her skin warmly. It glittered harmlessly around her, showering her in light and love.

The Great Hall erupted into applause, bringing her sound of the world back into her ears.

The show ended, now all that was left for his finale was the song. THE SONG!

PLAY, PLAY, it's supposed to play now. Why isn't it playing, Harry thought panicking. He needed the song to play for her, or everything would be ruined. Ron was sure to figure something out soon.

He tried to summon the music to play, but the noise in the Great Hall was too loud.

PLAY, Harry thought wanting to cry.

He was digging his fingernails in the table from the attempt to will the music to play.

Crying was inevitable for Hermione, as was looking at Ron. His face was fixed into one shocking looking position. His mouth was hanged to the floor. He must not yet be registering what happened into his brain.

If he had his face would be red with anger. Perhaps he as surprised to find someone other than him would do that for Hermione.

"That was the sweetest thing Ron, how did you do it," Susan Bones said when the applauding ceased.

Re-post: Always and Forever by neivaWhere stories live. Discover now