Chapter One

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;;Jai's Point Of View;;

"I think we should go camping for a week." Beau said as he came into my room.

"Thanks for knocking." I said sarcastically.

"Seriously. I think it would be fun." Beau said and I sighed.

"Fine. I'll do it. Only if the others agree to do it." I said and he nodded, then walked out of my room. About five minutes later he came back in. "They said they'll do it as long as we bring a couple of girls along." Beau said.

"Alright. But who will we bring?" I asked.

"Daniel said he knows a girl to ask to come along." Beau said and I nodded.

"But you said they wanted a couple of girls to come along." I said and Beau nodded.

"Right. How about we get the new neighbor to come?" Beau suggested.

"Sure." I said and he reached for my hand to help me up, then we walked downstairs.

"We're going next door to invite the neighbor to come with us." Beau said as he dragged me out the door and to the house next door.

"Knock." Beau said and glanced at me as we reached the door.

"I'll knock, but you're going to speak." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Okay. Now knock." He said, so I knocked.

"Coming!" I heard a female voice call out from inside.

"Don't you think she'll find it weird since we've never talked to her?" I asked Beau.

"Find what weird?" Beau asked.

"That we're inviting her to join us on a camping trip with us." I explained.

"I guess. But it's worth a try." Beau said.

Finally, the door opened and a girl with blonde hair opened the door.

"Oh, hi." The girl said.

"Hi. I'm Beau, and this guy beside me is my brother Jai." Beau said and the girl smiled.

"Nice to meet you two. I'm Evanee." She said and leaned on the doorway.

"Nice to meet you. We were just wondering if maybe you would like to come on a camping trip with us?" Beau said and Evanee raised an eyebrow.

"For how long?" She asked.

"A week or so." I said.

"When?" She said.

"As soon as you can be ready, if you can come, of course." Beau answered.

"Let me get a few things packed. I need to get away anyway." She said and I smiled. "You guys can come in and sit on the sofa or something while I go to my room and pack." Evanee said and Beau and I walked inside before shutting the door and sitting down.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, but I decided to break the silence.

"Her name is.. Interesting." I said and looked at Beau.

"It means little fighter." I heard a female voice say. I looked toward the stairs and saw Evanee standing there with a duffle bag.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yep. Weird, right?" She said and I chuckled.

"It's actually pretty cool." I said and she smiled wide.

"Well, thank you. Let's go." She said and we walked out the door.

"Also, our brother and our friends are coming." I said and she nodded as we walked into our house.

"I'm going to go pack. Talk to James and Daniel if you want. I shouldn't take too long." I said and pointed to them, she nodded before walking toward James.

;;Evanee's Point Of View;;

"Hi. I'm Evanee." I said to one of the guys as I set my bag down on the floor.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Daniel, but some people call me Skip." The guy said and I laughed softly.

"Why do they call you Skip?" I asked.

"It's a long story." He said and I nodded. I then heard footsteps, so I looked toward the staircase. There stood Jai.

"You weren't kidding. You really were fast." I said to Jai.

"What? Who are you?" Jai said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Uh.. I'm Evanee. We just met at my house like ten minutes ago. Then you told me to wait down here while you pack." I explained, confused as to why he didn't know me.

"Oh, you might be thinking about my brother Jai." He said and I turned to look at Skip, and looked at him, as if to ask him what was going on. He just giggled like a school girl.

"You are Jai though, aren't you?" I said as I turned to face Jai, but then there was two of him standing there.

Oh! Twins. That explains it.

"Wait.. Which one of you is Jai?" I asked and they looked at each other, as if to discuss something, then looked at me.

"I am." They both said and I sighed.

"Not cool, guys. Which one of you is Jai?" I repeated.

"Okay, okay. I'm Jai. That's my twin: Luke." Jai said and I nodded my head.

"Well, nice to meet you, Luke." I said to Luke and he rolled his eyes.

"Alright, let's go!" Beau yelled as he came down the stairs.

"But what about Aria?" Skip said.

"Who?" Beau asked.

"Aria. The girl I was inviting." Skip explained.

"Oh. We'll just pick her up on the way. Let's go." Beau said and Skip nodded.

The picture above is the person that plays Evanee (Debby Ryan).  So anyways, I hope you like this story. I'm trying my hardest to make it awesome. - AJ

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