"That's not true. I told you all your mother wanted was a new start." She tries to pretend.

"I could hear your heart beat. It jumps when you are being dishonest. You lied to me at the ball and you are lying to me now. Tell me the truth."

"I didn't want it to happen. We were told that whatever was in that coffin would help us kill Kalus. I thought that maybe she could help. She'd kill klaus. She's going to kill you all."

"She wants to undo the evil she created." I realize.

Elena looks at Elijah and says "I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help."

I'm about to say something to her but Elijah cuts me off, "One thing I've learned with the time on this earth, be careful what you wish for." Elijah then stomps on the floor brings Elena in to tunnels then grabs me and leaves.

*Klaus's POV*

Me and Kol walk back into the bar and see Alaric and Meridith at the bar. I hear what their talking about and go interrupt them "Oh come on now. Let's not go blaming the new family in town just cuz you've got a killer at large. Don't mind us, my brother and I are just here to let off some steam right, Kol?"

"Right." He agrees.

*Bonnie's POV*

Me and Abbie are now going to meet Esther at the old witches site.

"Bennet witches thank you for coming. I can think of no better allies then the women who sent Micheal into his long sleep and the girl who fought Niklaus so bravely." Esther greets us.

"Why exactly did you invite us here?" Abbey asks.

"You are the decedents of the witch Anya, a great mentor of mine and I think it's only fitting I draw from her bloodline." She explains.

"Are you channeling our ancestors?" I ask.

"I draw from the entire Bennet bloodline, living and dead. The connection of great power all though it is somewhat difficult to maintain. Which is why I require you, mother and daughter. The bloodline made manifest. Tonight, my sisters, we shall bring peace to the spirits of nature I've made and for that I thank you." She explains to us.

Now I know how to stop this and save Kol.

*Melanie's POV*

I'm at the Salvator Boarding house with Elijah sitting in a chair facing the door and me standing beside him. Damon is staring at us while we wait for Stefan.

Stefan walks in saying "I couldn't find her."

"Hello Stefan." I say.

"They have Elena." Damon informs his brother.

"She's actually with Rebekah." I tell them.

"As you can imagine my sisters just dying to tear her throat out. So if you want to save Elena's life I need you to help me stop our mother." Elijah smirks at them.

"I'm a little embarrassed to admit but when it comes to killing a thousand year old resurrected witches I'm a little rusty." Damon smirks also.

"Yes unfortunately when killed, our mother doesn't seem to want to stay dead. Now with the spirits of nature on her side." I tell them.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Stefan asks.

"The witches that released our mother-"

I cut Elijah off by adding "Abbey and Bonnie."

"-she's drawing a power from their blood line that needs to be broken." He finishes.

"Broken?" Stefan asks.

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