The Unexpected(14)

Start from the beginning

My hands trembled as I tried making my way towards her house. Arianna didn’t live far from me but at that moment it felt like she lived on the other side of the world. Besides freaking the hell out it was nearly three in the morning. She should’ve called me when her water broke not when she is about to pop a baby out!

I left the car on the side of her driveway and ran into her house. She sat in the living room inhaling and exhaling deeply. She snaps up and her brown eyes meet mine. She was almost in tears when I got there. Grabbing the bags she prepared I helped out the house.

“Stay calm,” I told her as I helped inside the car.

She nodded, holding onto her tummy she made a queuing sound.

I buckled up and prepared myself. I couldn’t go fast, I had to stay under the speed limit and keep Arianna calm. If she were to go crazy on me while I’m driving it won’t help the situation. I nodded to myself. The little pep talk helped, but it only last for a few minutes, because next thing we know it was raining hard.

Arianna gripped tightly on her knees growling out in pain. “I need to push,” She cried out.

“No! Don’t push!” I yelled at her. The rain only kept pouring harder and harder, and I could hardly see anything.

I had no clue what to do.  Arianna was panicking and I was too, the last thing I needed was for her to give birth in my car. Just breathe. Calm down. If you panic even more you won’t think straight. I have to take her to the hospital safe and sound. The traffic light turned red, I turned around facing Arianna.

I took hold of her hand and made her look at me. “I need you to stay calm and breathe it out,” I told her calmly. “We are almost there,”

She nodded. “I trust you,” She whispered.

I smiled at her facing the road again. The light turned green and I pushed lightly on the gas. From my side of the window bright lights flashed in front of me. Suddenly, my left side of my body went completely numb.

I remembered the screeching sound of the car making and us spinning. Arianna screamed loudly and then everything went completely black. I wasn’t sure how long I was passed out, but when I came back to my senses my face laid on the steering wheel.

Blinking a couple of times I tried to make my surroundings. When my vision came back completely I saw Arianna holding on tightly to her neck. My heart stopped as blood squirmed in between her finger to her neck.

I pushed myself back and swung the door open. The rain was still falling above me as I dropped myself on the cold wet concrete floor. A sharp pain emerged from my stomach as I placed my hand over it, a sharp glass poked out of my stomach.

            I couldn’t make sense of what was happening. One minute I was passing the light and the next I woke up on my steering wheel. My heart raced against my chest at full speed; I took in a deep breathe, and took out the glass.

            “Fucking shit!” I cried out. I rolled over to my stomach and with all my strength picked myself up. Stumbling and bleeding to death I went to Arianna’s side and opened the door.

            “Oh my god,” I whispered putting my hand over my mouth. In between her fingers a medium size piece of glass poked out.

            “Hold on Arianna!” I cried. “I’ll go get help!”

            I ran to the street screaming out for help. I needed someone anyone to help me. A car pulled up beside me and two guys stepped out the car. Once they say me they ran towards me.

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