" Great" he said flashing his sparkly teeth.

" I'm Scarlet White" I said when we were out of the cafeteria.

" That's a beautiful name " he said making me blush. " I'm Mason Halpern".

" This is it" I said showing him the office.

" Thank you Scarlet" he said smiling yet again and sending shivers through my whole body.

" Wait!" I said before he opened the door. " a couple of friends are having a bonfire tonight and I was wondering if you'd like to come"

" Sure where is it?" He asked.

" In Rover Woods" I said.

" I'll be there" he said going into the office.
Soon school was over and Monroe came to pick me up again.

"How was school?" He asked.

" Great" I said.

" Hey, I know it's weird that I'm dating your mum but I want you to tell me how you feel about it" Monroe said.

" I'm okay with it. I wasn't before but I am now" I said.

" You sure?" He asked.

" Positive" I said.

We got home in a few minutes and I ran it to look for something to wear to the bonfire.

"Won't you come and look for your mother before you start messing up your room?"  Mum asked standing in the doorway of my room.

" Sorry mum, I'm looking for something to wear to the senior's bonfire." I said still rummaging through my clothes.

" I forgot you were a senior already" she laughed.

"Well I am" I said turning to smile at her.

" How are you getting there?" She asked.

" Adela 's going to pick me up at eight" I said.

" It's only six Lette, c'mon dinner?" She pleaded.

"When I find something we'll have dinner" I promised.

For what seemed like hours, I searched and searched and finally found something to wear. A light blue Aztec crop top and high waisted jeans with my mum's black leather boots. By then it was 7:20 so  I got in the shower and then dressed. The jeans flattered my hips and and the crop top revealed a bit of my flat tummy.

" You look beautiful " Monroe said coming into my room.

" Thank you" I said twirling.
He laughed.

"Adela's here!" Mum shouted from downstairs.

" Coming!" I shouted back.
I picked my bag and my makeup kit and rushed downstairs.

" Bye mum!" I said as I rushed out the front door.

" You look fab" Adela said smiling as I got into the car.

" Where's Maisie?" I asked.

" She's coming with Nick" she answered.

In about thirty minutes we arrived at Rover Woods. The party was in full swing when we got there. Almost everyone was dancing and some people were already drunk.

" Want a drink?" Adela asked.

" Yeah" I said.

We both chugged down the vodka in our cups and fast as we could and hit the dance floor.

" Looks like Mr. Movie star is here " Adela said pointing at Mason.

" Hello Scarlet" he said.

" Oh hi. You made it" I said.

" I was invited by the prettiest girl at school. I wouldn't miss it for the world " he said as I blushed.

"Wanna dance? " I asked.

" Yeah" he said flashing his award winning smile.

We danced the whole night. We goofed around and drank so much alcohol. It was if we knew  each other already. I had never felt so alive.

" You're very beautiful " he said looking at me.

" I am? " I said blushing.

" I hope I'm not making you feel uneasy " he asked.

" No you're not" I laughed.

We were sitting on a log far away from where the party was going on.
He leaned in slowly and kissed me softly.

" I'm sorry. I just can't contain myself around you" he said blushing profusely.
" It's okay" I said kissing him again.

It was either I was really drunk or this boy really had an effect on me.
The moment was broken as we heard growls coming from behind us.

"Did you hear that?"  I asked getting up.

"Who's there" he called out.

A girl with blonde flowing hair stepped out of the shadows. She looked young but there was something about the way she spoke that told me otherwise.

" Sarah, please not here" he pleaded.

" Oh why not. I'm bored." The woman said.

" Please" he begged.

" Oh I get it.....your little girlfriend doesn't know about your .....secret" Sarah said with a wicked smile playing across her lips.

" Mason who is she?" I asked nervously.
My head was spinning due to over intoxication. I didn't even know If I was really seeing all of this or I was hallucinating.

"You'll find out in a few minutes babe just be quiet " Sarah said clearly irritated by my interruption.

" Who sent you here?" Mason asked.

" Jade" she said smiling wickedly

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