The wrong group?

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Cassie loved school days. She loved waking up at 5:00 everyday. She never had to have her parents wake her up. She only had one alarm. It was in the shape of a cross and she got it from PB Teen. It sat on her apple red wood night stand, that had "my little pets shop" stickers on them from when she was a toddler. She loved waking up and feeling that breeze of relief in her head saying I made it another day. But what she hated was picking her brothers up from there bus stop. So when that part of the day came she dreaded even waking up in the Morning. But she tried not to think of that because She had always feared that it would ruin her mood. At school she was in calculus, AP World civics, AP Chemistry, AP English, accounting, and band. After her last class of the day she had to go and get all her things from her locker. Cassie had a locker next to Ryan Ty. Ryan was a senior and he wasn't that cute. He always threw party's and I never got my hopes up when I seen him walking in the hallway.

But this time he was walking towards me with a envelope. He looked so cool. He had about 6-7 people walking behind him. He walked up to me with his glowing eyes. " Cassie here's a envelope. In the inside there is an invitation to my party Friday. You don't have to come if you don't think God will forgive you?" He said mocking her religion. " NO. I mean no I'll go. I'm sure this won't hurt." "Don't break a nail climbing  out of a bedroom window" he said laughing. " why would I do that?" " because the party is at 1. And bring a date there will be drugs. And extra bedrooms if you need them." Winking at her he walked away and left her there thinking.......

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