Chapter 6

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AN: SORRY! This took me ages to upload... I don't really have an excuse.


Chapter 6



What are you doing?

I'm lying on my bed in the hotel room staring at the ceiling.

And you?

The same, only in my room.

Do you want to call?

*outgoing call*

*incoming call*

"I'll take this as yes."


"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing in particular. I'm bored. The whole day has been boring."

"Yeah, it has..."

"I hate snow."

"I actually like snow,it's fun. But at the moment I'm not enjoying it either."

"Fun? How can you have fun in the snow?"
"Easy, having a snowball fight, making snow angles, trying to catch the snow on the tip of your tongue, running around. Those sort of things. And rugby in the snow is hilarious, because everybody just stumbles around and falls into it."

"I've never had a snowball fight or any of those things."

"You've never had a snowball fight?!"

"No, mummy didn't allow me to."

"We definitely have to change that! Why wouldn't she?"

"Because she feared I might get sick."

"Gosh, you really had a poor childhood. No wonder you're so..."

"I am so what, John?"

"Special. Extraordinary."

"So, I'm extraordinary because I have never participated in a snowball fight?"

"No... I mean yes... like maybe? Well, I suppose it's a factor."

"You're a bad liar."

"I'm not lying!"

"Whatever John. I am BORED! Do something about that."


"Come here."

"Impossible Sherlock. There are three fucking metres of snow outside."


"Uh, wait, I have an idea."


"For your boredom. Not for coming to you."

"I would be less bored if you were here."


"John, how often do I have to tell you not to call me that."

"That's why I do it."

"Stop laughing."



"Stop laughing or I'll end this call."

"A bit irritated, are we?"

"I'm never irritated!"

"No, of course not."


"Okay, back to my idea, which you so politely ignored."

"What idea?"

"Do you really never listen when I'm talking?"


"Wow, thanks. Well, I wanted to do something about your boredom. Do you know what The Question Game is?"

"Let me guess, there are questions being asked in this game?"

"Yeah, smartarse. I ask a question and you have to answer truthfully. Afterwards you get to ask me a question, but it can't be the same that I asked you. Got it?"

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