A Child for Night Guard?

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A/N- So first off Yay! I'm glad some people like this story at all! Second, the night guards gonna be like a child cuz I felt like it and when I play the game I'm the guard and I'm 14 so deal with it! The picture is supposed to be what the new guard looks like. I found the picture on google! No copyright infringement intended, tell me if the work is yours and I can take it down or credit you. Enjoy!

Could you imagine our surprise when a child  showed up for the night shift? A seemingly teenage girl in a bear hoodie. I realized they needed someone to take the job but a kid?!  "Yo, Chica, calm down. What's wrong with the girl having this job?" Bonnie called to me as I was pacing.

"What's wrong is that a little kid is taking a night shift! That's dangerous!" I yelled at him. Why is he such an idiot? I continued pacing around as Freddy chuckled at Bonnie's shocked expression.

"You're worried about the kid?! C'mon man, stop worrying, you wanted to be friends with her! We can keep her safe!" Bonnie laughs and begins walking toward the security room. "I'm going to go introduce myself, later!" He waves.

Wait. . . WHAT?! "Bonnie! WAIT!" I shout as I catch up to him, not trusting him to go alone.  Freddy once again chuckles as he follows us as well. 

- - - - - - - Night Guards P.O.V. - - - - - - 

I swiveled around in the chair. I had checked the cameras a while earlier and they were on the stage and foxy had been in the cove. It was only 1 am and I was already bored.

"Oh the perks of being a night guard at only 16. . . " I sigh to myself. My parents were having money problems so I got a job to help support myself just a little, my parents agreed to it, besides this place was desperate for a worker and didn't care about my age.

"Hello there."

"Ahhhhh!" I scream . I stop my swiveling to see Bonnie at the door. "No way did you just speak..."  I said. I'm not sure if it was to myself or the bunny. I was dizzy from the chair movement still but I knew I wasn't seeing things when Chica and Freddy walked in behind him.

- - - - Chica's P.O.V. - - - - -

"Yes way. My name is Bonnie . This is Freddy and Chica Fazbear. Foxy is in his cove at the moment. What's your name?" Bonnie says to the girl.

This could be bad. . .   I think to myself.  The girl just looks dizzy, and faints.

"Hey!" I shout surprised, as I move and catch her.

---- Time skip ---- It's almost 6 am----

"What are we gonna do? She fainted!" I whisper shout at Bonnie "Why'd you have to go and scare her!? Of course she's going to freak out!"

He held up his hands in defense "I'm sorry okay?!" He whisper shouts back.

"...Why are we on the stage. . . ?" A drowsy voice asks followed by a yawn. She's awake!

"Are you okay Miss. . . ?" Freddy asks the girl as she sits up and rubs her eyes. He's nervous about the girl freaking out again, I can tell. 

"Lilly. My name is Lilly Knox " The girl yawns again. "And I'm fine. Surprised and slightly scared as a purple bunny robot suddenly talked to me, but fine" She said as she slowly stood up and studied us. I laughed at her description of Bonnie, she just didn't care. "Can we be friends?" She asked us with her head tilted slightly to the left.

We all looked at each other and nodded. "Of course"  "Yeah" "Sure" We all said. 

Lilly giggled. "Yay!" This is going to be a very interesting friendship.  Lilly looked at her watch and frowned. "Aww. It's almost 6 am, we should all get back to out places. But we can hang out tomorrow night and I can meet Foxy!" We all agreed and went to our 'normal' positions. I'm glad we're friends now, this will be fun.

Chica x FreddyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant