Chapter 3: You Dont Love Me

Start from the beginning

"Here we go" I mumble to myself

I go over to the stairs door and lock it behind me. Then I go over to the window and look out into the dimply light parking lot.

"This is gonna hurt" I grunt smashing my elbow as hard as I can into the glass

Pain sears up my arm "Uhg shiiit" I shout in a hushed tone, but smile once I see all the glass smashed and fallen to the ground

I quickly throw my body out the window and run to the wire fence.

I look up at the fence as I start to climb it when I see it's all barbed wire at the top "shit" I say flatly "of course it's barbed wire why wouldn't it be" I curse as I throw my body over the wire tearing my face torso and thighs apart and hurting my weak knee as I land "FUCK!" I shout as pain slices through my body. I stand on shaking legs knowing they've probably noticed my absence by now and I have to go

Running down the lamp lit streets I realizeI have no clue where I'm going, being in a whole different country. But I continue to sprint until I feel my heart may burst and my lungs collapse

I stop when I see a park near by. I must have gone 5 miles, at least, but that wasn't enough. I need to put as much distance between me and that nut house as possible

I stumble over to the lake in the park panting. I kneel down and scoop some of the disgustingly dirty water into my mouth, I'm way too thirsty to care at this point. I cup a bit of the water and pour it over my legs trying to clean the dripping blood off them.

I sigh not wanting to keep going but then continue to walk down the streets this feeling oh too familiar. I turn down an ally way seeing a dumpster and some cardboard

I lay out a piece of the cardboard then set my bag down on it using it as a pillow and I close my eyes, succumbing to sleep letting my aching body rest.

"Hey, Hey!" I groan feeling something repeatedly hitting my stomach I open my eyes

"What the hell.." I rub my eyes to be met with a police officer

"You Niall?" He asks crossing his arms looking at me sternly with his colleague next to him

"No I'm Daniel" I try to lie but it clearly doesn't faze him

"Nice try kid but the bracelet on your arm says differently" I glance down at it

"Fuck" really should have thought about that

"C'mon" he grabs me by my arm and I pick up my bag and stumble next to him

"Please don't bring me back there!" I beg looking at him with sad eyes "please I was just trying to find my mum and dad" I say pulling out my best acting

"Mhm" he says not buying my act, or just not caring, he throws me in the back of the police car I cross my arms grunting, as he drives back to that hell hole

"Hello, officer banks. we found him. Yes, we're on our way now. He looks pretty beat up but seams okay. Alright." the offer talks on the phone no longer paying mind to me. I glance over at the speedometer in front of him.

30mph not too bad. I pull my bag on my shoulders and open the cab door

"WHAT THE HE-" before he can finish I throw my body out of the car tucking and rolling onto the ground trying to injure myself as little as possible. It's clear though as soon as I hit the ground im screwed. I lose my breath and physically feel my bones crack

I lay on the pavement gasping and in pain struggling to get up and away from the officer.

"Lad!" I hear officer shout as my vision becomes blurry but I have to go

He quickly pushes me back down tho and I grunt gasping "no stay down. you're hurt"

"Hello" he pulls out his phone keeping a hand on my shoulder "I need an ambulance for a young boy um he's" he grabs my wrist looking at my bracelet as the world starts to fade "17 please hurry he..." his words soon start to fade and I fide myself falling into unconsciousness



I open my groggy eyes seeing a glass wall with a door on it before me. What? I look closely at the wall noticing red letters stamped across it.

Intensive Care Unit

I look around and see monitors all around my incessantly beeping. I'm in a white hospital bed, covered in bandages and wires, two IVs in my arm and an oxygen mask on my face. I groan feeling searing pain everywhere.

"Niall!" I hear someone gasp I look up at the the door and see Maura stood there a look of panic on her face

She rushes over to my bedside "oh god I'm so glad you're okay" she sighs as if she hadn't taken a breath in hours

"Hello Niall" a man in a white coat walks in "I'm Dr. Corey" he comes over to me carefully taking the mask off my face

"Can you tell me what happened? Do you remember?" He asks shinning a light in my eyes

"I-I jumpe-ed out of-f a car-r" I rasp painfully

He nods and hands me a cup of water. I take it my my heavy wire covered arms, slowly taking a drink.

"He's going to be fine, right?" Maura asks

"He should be. You broke three ribs on impact and they punctured your lung. But We were able to operated and repaired the lung in time. It also seams you have a weak knee based off of the X-Rays we took it dislocated so he'll be on crutches for a little while but aside from some scars from the cut on your head and the operation you should be alright. The cuts from the fence should heal completely within a month or two also" Maura nods running her fingers through my hair. Normally I tell her to stop but it's honestly taking my mind off the immense pain through my body

"Normally I would order a psych consult but considering he's staying in a-"

"Nut house" I interrupt

"Rehab center. it seams unnecessary" he corrects me. I roll my eyes at that though

"Okay thank you Doctor" he nods and walks out

"You know Niall you're lucky to be alive" Maura says oh I've heard that before'

"Am I though?" I ask and she sighs "why are you doing this?"

"What?" She looks at me confused

"Pretending like you care, everyone knows you just have to be here cause you're my social worker and you're going to ship me off as soon as I'm out of here"

She sighs "you know that isn't true. I do care about you, a lot Niall. I have for almost 3 years. I didn't have to come when I got the call that you were in the hospital they said it would be okay for me not to come. The facility said they would take care of it. But I did because you're like a son to me Niall, I love you"

"You don't love me" I say honestly "no one does" I say quietly enough only I heard

She sighs. Removing her fingers from my hair "They're going to discharge you to. you've been asleep for two days and are recovered enough to go"

"Yippee" I say sarcastically


"You ready to go mr. Horan?" A nurse come in with crutches a few hours later

I look at Maura "I guess so" I sigh

Hope you liked the chapter! Please tell me your thoughts in the comments and leave me some questions for the authors/Characters  Q&A at the end of the book!! All the love always~HXx

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