Thoughts on life

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This book or journal or whatever you want to call it. Im going to being posting thoughts and reviews and whatever comes in my head, Im very opinionated if you have not noticed. Anyway why Im updating is to talk about a topic that is one of our generations worst enemy, inappropriate pictures. Why do people find happiness in comments under the pictures they post? Why do they find happiness in what people say that they barley know? On day they are going to look back at what makes them happy today and it will make them feel awful. Maybe the word awful is a strong word but it is very true. Not only will it make you feel bad but other people as well. Just think if you have a friend that has been with you for years and suddenly you change and start posting these inappropriate pictures they will start to feel obligated to change as well to keep up with the friendship. This is what our generation is, a domino effect. Its funny to think that this could all be changed with just straightening the dominos out. If one person stops the friend will stop and so on.
SO GOAL- Try not to post an inappropriate picture but an inspirational one!!!!!
this update is dedicated to @Iraiza_Mohika for being an awesome author I will be reviewing her book My Interesting Love Story: Jelsa Fanfic this week because it is the best Jelsa story ever!!!!
Quote- Happiness can be fond in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.- Jk Rowling (p.s the happiness is not found in any coments under any inappropriate pictures)

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