Part One

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Jade was angrily rifling through her backpack for her elusive calculator when her phone started to chime from the corner of her desk. The brunette slowly sat up in her desk chair, deciding to put her search for the calculator on hold so that she could check to see who was calling her. As her gaze landed on the noisy device, some of her thick hair fell in front of her eyes, obscuring her vision so that she couldn't clearly see the contact name that was lighting up the screen of her phone.

With a quick puff of air from her lips, Jade had managed to remove her hair from in front of her face so that she could clearly see the name Jesminda in white letters on her phone screen. Upon closer inspection of the screen, Jade immediately notes that one of her best friends, Jesy, is requesting a FaceTime call. Before sliding her finger across her screen to accept the incoming call, Jade carefully removes her thick, black glasses from the bridge of her nose and tosses them carelessly onto her cluttered desk. She then ruffles her hair in order to add some volume, and then she finally accepts the FaceTime call.

The image of Jesy's beaming face soon finds itself onto the screen of Jade's phone, and Jade immediately notes that there's something different about her friend, but she can't seem to put her finger on what it is. Jade doesn't have much time to scan her best friend's visible features for clues because Jesy is quick to speak up.

"Hey, Jadey," Jesy says rather enthusiastically in one of her many accents while waving quickly.

"Hiya, Jess," Jade says back while rubbing at her eyes. A quick glance at the clock on her bedside table across the room notifies Jade that she's been diligently doing homework for the last four hours straight.

"What's up," Jesy questions, although Jade notices that her friend says it with that rushed sort of anticipation that signifies she can't wait for Jade to ask her the same question.

"Calc homework," Jade drawls out, quickly switching to her other camera to show Jesy the mess that is her desk.

"Well that sucks," Jesy sing songs back, and Jade immediately catches onto the fact that her tone of voice doesn't exactly fit with the words that she just said. She switches back to her front facing camera before she continues to speak.

"And what's up with you," Jade questions with an inquisitive scowl on her face, her eyes once again roaming over Jesy's image in order to find a hint as to why her friend is so elated.

"Can anyone hear us talking right now," Jesy questions in a low voice instead of answering Jade's question, which only serves to irritate Jade, who simply wants some answers so that she can be done and get back to her homework.

"Don't dodge my question, Jessica," Jade replies, deciding that if Jesy can ignore her question, she may as well just avoid her question as well.

"Jade, this is serious," Jesy states in a stern voice, "I don't want anyone but you hearing this."

Jade immediately assumes that the worst has happened, considering the fact that Jesy is only serious about two percent of the time. Typically, something extremely terrible has to transpire in order for Jessica Nelson to be serious.

"Oh my god, Jesy, what happened? What's going on," Jade questions frantically, immediately shifting her focus from her phone screen and onto her disheveled desk as she pushes papers and notebooks around in search for her car keys.

"Jadey, calm down," Jesy says with a small chuckle, and the lighthearted noise brings down the severity of the situation so that Jade's heart stops hammering in her chest. Jade decides that she should probably wait to hear what her best friend has to say before she goes into full out panic mode.

"Tell me what's going on," Jade basically begs, her mind already thinking up hundreds of possible scenarios in which Jesy would actually utter the word 'serious'.

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