Chapter 1 the fight

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Peter Parker was a teenager who loved this girl. Her name was Gwen. Peter was a superhero. The name of the superhero was THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. Everybody in New York City loved Spider-Man but they didn't no that Spider-Man was Peter Parker. Peter met a man his name was max Dillion. Max almost got run over by a truck but spidey saved him. Now maxs number one fan is Spider-Man. Max works at oscorp he is an electrical engineer. Then max sees a pipe break. He goes up the ladder fixes the pipe and BOOM! Max fell into the electric eel tank and the eels bite him. A few days later Max awakens. Max has now turned into electro. Max thinks that Spider-Man lied to him but he never then he got all angry and tried to kill him. Now Max is Spider-Man's enemy. All the lights go off and the fight began. Spiderman was almost killed but not yet it was time to take electro down. Soon enough electro was dead. Than Peter meets his old friend Harry Osborn. Harry wanted Spider-Man's blood Spider-Man talks to Harry and tells Harry that he can't have
his blood. Harry got mad at Spider-Man and then he figured out that Peter was actually Spider-Man. Harry went to oscorp went a room and a man was there and stabbed a needle in his arm and then Harry fell to the ground Harry is the green goblin. He Gets up and he finds Spider-Man and Gwen and Harry stands right in the middle of them both. Harry said that Spider-Man gave away his hope and now he's going to give away his so then he picks up Gwen flys around to the clock tower and drops Gwen and then Peter catches Gwen and dives into the clock tower and he
gently drops Gwen inside. While Harry and Peter fight Harry drops  and gets tied up in webs. Then Gwen fall and dies. Peter cries.

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