"I'm sooo sorry Tara I slept in by accident, I can meet you in 30 minutes I just need to call a cab and get ready.. I really am sorry u can't believe I -"

"It's ok Jenna really it happens, and sounds good see you in 30" she says in bland tone, I can tell she isn't mad at me just annoyed for waiting.

I call a cab and throw on a really loose t shirt and leggings before putting my hair up in a messy bun and throwing on some gold eyeshadow, black eyeliner and mascara. A quick brush of the teeth and deodorant and perfume and I'm out the door and in the cab driving to the Froth Café.

I really need to get my full licence soon, I got my G1 shortly after my 16th birthday but I haven't been bothered with getting my full licence until now. It could really come in handy.

I see Tara seated in a private table in the back, it wasn't hard to spot her with her bright red hair standing out in the crowd.

"Hey girl" she greets me with a smile and I hug before we sit down at our table.

A waiter comes and takes our orders, Tara gets a vanilla latte and a piece of lemon meringue pie and I get a caramel frappiccihno with the double chocolate cake, my favourite.

"Tell me what happened with Niall!" I say with excitement after the waiter leaves.

"Ok so here's what happened

After we left you and Harry when we first got their we went to the kitchen and ate some pizza trying to dodge all of the sweaty jocks surrounding them.

Some knew Niall and chatted with him and they talked about the upcoming lacrosse sign ups and stuff.

After we ate and socialized I asked him if he wanted to dance and he got all shy saying that he couldn't dance and stuff and it was so cute! But I told him that I'd show him some moves and we went out into the huge group of people dancing.

I showed him a move or two and he actually picked them up pretty quickly. I noticed that skank Sophie eyeing him from the corner of the room, she was wearing the shortest fucking dress with the lowest neckline so her tits were all out! So I decided to take it upon myself to show Niall a few.. Sexier dance moves. We were grinding on each other and having such a fun time before that bitch pranced over and decided she wanted in our or grinding session.

The best part was that unlike most guys who would have totally went along with a second girl coming in and dancing on him.. He fucking stopped and asked her what the hell she was doing! She totally tried to ignore what he said and continue to throw herself at him but he said 'lets go' and guided me away with the most disgusted look on his face it was priceless Jenna!!

As we were leaving Calum went on the speaker and said all of those horrible things about you Jenna and I'm so sorry! Me and Niall tried to find you but when we couldn't we assumed you most likely left.

So we ended up going upstairs to one of the bedrooms and I was all emotional for you, I knew that ninth grade was hard for you and for him to shove it all in your face like that, when him and Rachel and all of them were the fault of all of your pain must have been so difficult for you, and I couldn't even be there for you when you needed me, my phone was dead and I couldn't find you and I was a mess."

The waiter comes and hands is our food and drinks before walking off.

Tara continues "Niall was so sweet, he rubbed my back and comforted me and assured me that I was still a good friend to you and that it wasn't like I didn't try to find you or anything. He made some jokes and made me laugh and feel a whole lot better.

There was a window seat in the room we were in that led right out onto the rooftop, I don't remember which one of us had the smart idea to go out into the roof but we did.

We looked at the stars and tried to find as many constellations as we could.

A shooting star had passed and I asked him what he was going to wish for. He leaned to his side and propped his arm up holding his head so he could look at me before saying 'I wish for the same thing every time I see one you know' I asked him what it was and he literally said 'to be with you'.

My heart had sank and he confessed about always having a crush on me growing up but never being able to work up the courage to ask me out.

Can you believe that Jenna all these years I spent secretly having a crush on him and nobody knew"

"Trust me I knew" I interrupt her.

"Well at least he didn't, and he felt the same way! Ugh omg that bugs me so much!

Anyways after I told him that I had felt the same way all those years, he leaned in and kissed me! And that kissed turned into a make out and we ended up making our way inside and onto the bed.

Things were getting pretty intense, some grinding and tossing and touching until I asked him if he had a condom.

He told me that he didn't have one on him and we sat up on the edge of the bed.

He opened up to me about being a virgin, and that he wanted his first time to be with the right girl and that girl was me, it always was."

"Awwweee" I interrupted once again.

"I know! He said that he wanted our first time to be special and he hoped that there would be more dates to come in the future between us. I obviously told him that there would be many more.

We walked hand and hand to his car and he drove me home, giving me kiss at my door before he left!

Uh Jenna I hate bragging to you about what a great night I had when I know yours was shit, but he was such a gentleman! He is perfect I swear it."

"I'm so happy for you Tara! You deserve such a great guy like Niall, please don't ever feel like you can't brag to me about him! My night didn't end up being too bad after all anyways" I said and she raised a brow in confusion and curiosity.

"Do tell" she said looking thrilled.

"Harry brought me to this place in the woods and we drank vodka until I could barely walk"

"Oh" she said expecting more.

"Anything else?" She adds.

"It wasn't some sketchy place or anything, it was kind of beautiful, there was a waterfall and willow trees and stuff, I woke up puking and then we watched movies that's all" I say.

"What about the kiss on the cheek at the door though" she questions and I almost forgot about that.

"Oh that, that was weird he had that he meant everything he said.. About his feelings or something, I don't know and then he just kind of kissed me!"

"You don't remember what you talked about?." Tara asked.

"Up to a certain point I do, but definitely not what he was referring to." I ask taking a bit of the rich cake.

"Sounds like somebody like yoouuu" she says attempting to poke fun at me but I'm not in the mood.

"We are just friends Tara and you know it, he knows it as well, the kiss of the cheek was probably just a nice gesture."

"Sure" she says and I roll my eyes before we split the check and leave the shop.

Hope you liked the chapter! Please favourite it if you did :) leave me a comment about what Niall and Tara's ship name should be and tell me what you think will happen next?
Ps. Tara is like artificial red hair not ginger :)
Thanks you all hope you had a good weekend!

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