Chapter 1

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Kathy's POV:



I took a deep breath to calm my nerves as I felt a certain someone behind me kick the back of my seat again.

I rested my arm on the window seal and stared out the window to watch the different coloured cars pass us by. The wind whistled as another car passed by my rolled down window, causing my hair to fly wildly.

In the past four days of driving, I was expecting to relax or have some fun while on this vacation, but all I kept thinking was "Why did I agree to this?"

Jesse—my arch nemesis; the boy who's always made fun of me, picked on me, tortured me with pranks, and called me by insulting nicknames ever since we met in freshman year was testing my nerves yet again.

Now, before I continue any further with my bashing of said nemesis, let me introduce the people that I'm on vacation with.

There's Cleo, my best friend; Zack, Cleo's boyfriend; and Jesse, Zack's best friend.

Now that we're done with the introductions, let me continue to complain about how unfair my life is.

Jesse was the last person that I wanted to spend my summer vacation with, but of course, I had no choice.

Scratch that—I did have a choice. But Cleo had forced me and begged me to come because Zack didn't want Jesse to feel like the third wheel.

Ever since Cleo and Zack had started dating last year, I had to spend more time with the jerk, which means I had to hang out with the jerk outside of school. He's always nothing but rude to me; shoving me and using his favourite insulting name "Yolk" whenever we would hang out with Cleo and Zack. He gets to bully me a lot more since Cleo was now dating his best friend.

In the back seat, Zack was listening to music on his phone while Jesse decided to pass time by kicking the back of my seat. It was Cleo's turn to drive Zack's car while he took a break, leaving the rest of us to deal with each other. It was mostly just me trying to restrain myself from murdering Jesse and leaving him on the side of the road as I yelled at Cleo to make a break for it.

Wished that daydream could become reality.

As my daydream faded away, I noticed Jesse putting on his headphones in the rear-view mirror. I smile slightly to myself because that will keep him occupied for a little while. Hopefully, it'll even make him stop kicking my seat.

After a minute of peace, I laid my head back, closed my eyes, and tried to relax until—


My head snapped up so fast that I ended up hitting my head on the roof of the car by the unexpected impact. I groaned from the pain and quickly, by impulse, started rubbing my throbbing skull.

It seems like Jesse thought that my reaction was hilarious because he exploded into laughter.

I wish I had powers to turn him into a frog and win the lottery. It'd be a dream come true.

I turned around from my seat and gave Jesse a sour look. "It's not funny."

Jesse managed to get his laughter under control and wiped the tears from his eyes. "I haven't had a good laugh since this morning when you accidently peed yourself."

"You spilled the water on me on purpose!"

"Stop it already! Seriously, you two are acting like kids," Cleo said, sounding annoyed with our behaviour—more so Jesse's behaviour.

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