Chapter 1

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“One ticket for student, please.” I handed the guy on the counter my ten bucks.

“Your student ID, please.” I fished my wallet out of my purse and produced my ID card. I showed it to him and he nodded. He took my ten bucks. “Which movie?”

“Scream.” He looked up at me and behind me then back at me. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. “What?” I said defensively.

“You’re watching this movie by yourself?” The way he said it made it sound like it was unusual to watch the movie by yourself.

“Yerp. Why?” What was so wrong with watching the movie alone?

“Have you seen the trailer?” He asked me, while he printed out my receipt.

I did not have time to watch the trailer. I was on my way home when I walked past the cinema and I saw the Scream poster. It looked pretty good so I decided to watch the movie.

“Uh, no.” I said as I grabbed the receipt off his hand.

He smirked at me again and shook his head. What was wrong with this guy? I frowned and was about to ask him that when a blond, mean-looking girl pushed me out of the line.

All right then. Guess she couldn’t wait. I looked back at her and saw she was throwing herself all over the guy on the counter. The guy looked at me, rolled his eyes and winked. Poor guy. Oh well.

I looked at the ticket and saw that the movie was starting in 5 minutes. I made my way up to Theatre 4 and gave the ticket lady my ticket and went inside.

The lights were still on and I looked around for a good spot to sit on. I decided on the middle row. I settled on one of the seats and got as comfortable as I could get.

There weren’t much people inside. There were about 20 of them. Maybe the movie had been out for more than a couple of weeks. Huh. I looked at the movie screen and a movie trailer started playing. The lights dimmed and suddenly, I felt cold.

I looked around me and it turned out I was the only one sitting on my row and the one in front of me. Sweet. I put my feet up the chair in front of me and waited patiently for the movie to start.

Five minutes through the movie, someone nudged my right shoulder. I looked up and it was the guy on the counter.

“Hey Charlie, mind if I sit here?” He pointed the chair next to me. I shook my head and he settled down putting his feet up the chair in front of him. He looked very comfy as if he’d done it million times before. I studied him. He had a baby-face and it was hard for me to tell how old he was. I couldn’t study his face that very well as it was really dark. He must’ve noticed me staring at him as he turned to look at me.

I quickly looked away to the screen. I was having a feeling that this was not the movie I would normally watch. I was very... I screamed at the top of my lungs like all watchers around me did and covered my eyes. Wow! This movie was beyond scary.

I couldn’t get myself to remove my hands from my eyes, I had no idea what would come when I did. “You’re missing the best part.” The guy on the counter whispered to me sending hot breath down my neck. He placed his hands on my hands and carefully started removing it from my eyes and when I did look at the screen, it was so scary I squeezed his hand so hard and pulled him toward me and hid behind his back.

I felt his back vibrate. I sneaked a look at him and found out he was laughing. I quickly let go of his arm and punched his upper arm. I pulled my tongue out at him which earned an adorable chuckle from him. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the screen.

My mind started wandering. I hadn’t been this close to a guy before. It felt so... weird. He was pretty cute, nerdy-type cute. I wouldn’t be surprised if he told me he was a computer genius. HEY! What if he was a computer genius? I’d definitely befriend him. The silly thought made me smile.

I started imagining how awesome it would if we were friends. Having a laugh when we succeeded getting into a school’s computer system. Oh my, the definition of FUN.

I was so absorbed with these silly thoughts I hadn’t realized the guy on the counter’s left arm was draped over my shoulders. I found it rather comforting. I left it like that and rested my head on his left shoulder. I felt him looking at me but I stayed focus on the movie. He removed his arms around me and I started feeling stupid. Maybe I took it wrong? Maybe I shouldn’t have rested my head on his shoulder? I was about to move when I felt his hand intertwined with my hand that was sitting on the arm rest separating me from him. I found myself smiling.

I was so engrossed with how close he was to me that I found it hard to concentrate on the movie. He looked at his watch. “Your phone?” He asked me. I reached for my pocket and showed it to him. He grabbed it from my hands and he went into messages and quickly typed a message and handed it back to me.

“Seeya around, Charlie.” He withdrew his hand from my hand and started walking away to the exit. Before he went outside though, he waved at me, smiled and gave me a thumb’s up. I did the same to him and finally he was gone.

Realizing the phone on my hand, I read the message he wrote.

Charlie, sorry I had to go. Got work. Please meet me in the lobby. I’ll be done by the time the movie finishes. (:

Charlie... How’d he know my name? Oh right! I showed him my ID. I looked at my watch and it said quarter to 8. So I’d been in here for more than an hour and a half. So the movie was nearly the end. I pocketed my phone and suddenly couldn’t wait to get out of this theatre. I was excited to meet him. Didn’t know the time would come when I would actually say that.

The second the movie finished I jumped out my seat and got out to the lobby. 

When It HappensTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon