Lady Adorn averted her eyes and kept looking through the crowd. "Rule one: Do not steal, it would cost you a hand it your life. Rule two: always bow when you greet the King, the kings men and the princess; the Kings younger sister. Rule three.." Her eyes went to Akia like she was only going to talk to her. "Do NOT give relations with any high levels in the castle, there will be consequences."

Akia mentally shrugged it off. Akia has no interest in having relations with anyone while she's here. The only thing she is thinking about is her family.

"That will be all... For now. Put your belongings down and get into a straight line. Ladies on the left and men on the right. Hurry."

Everyone scurried to the bunks. Akia put her sack on the bottom bunk, since she is afraid of heights and always fall out of bed. Soon she hurried behind a young lady that was slightly shorter than her, but looks the same age.

"I will pick your service." Lady Adorn said. "All the men works in the gardens and stables. Lord Bishop will lead you there."

The men follows a old bearded gentleman outside. Lady Adorn turned to the young ladies.

"As ladies, you work in many stations. Kitchen, serving, maids, watching over children, gardening and if you're lucky; you can be the fair lady of the princess, if she picks you. I will choose your work place by name." Lady Adorn took out a old paper full of hand written names. "When I call your name, step to the side."

"Ebele; kitchen." A middle age woman by Akia walked to the corner, away from the line. "Amara; Serve." The young lady two people down stepped out of line.

It took ten more names to let Akia know what job she will do for mostly the rest of her life.

"Akia; clean."

Akia stepped out of the line and went to the others as they waited patiently for more directions.

Lady Adorn was finally done. She folded the paper and turn to the ladies. "If you're in cleaning group, come with me. The rest of you wait for your directions."

Seven ladies, including Akia stepped out of the group and followed behind Lady Adorn.

"Before we go any further, we must give you the proper clothing and cleaned up."

They walked into another area where numerous of large floor in tubs was filled with clear water.

"You will get cleaned here. Cloths are by every tube and it can be up to two people in each tub. Don't worry, the men wash in a different area."

Akia took a breath of relief.

"Hurry and wash up. Soap is in each cloth. Make sure you keep your cloth until we assist you with another." Lady Adorn walked to the exit. "While you wash, we will assist you with clothes and shoes. You all have ten minutes." Lady Adorn walked out the room as the doors closed behind her.

The six ladies started to shed their clothes and get in the tub, while Akia nervously took off her dress. Once she was naked, Akia cautiously stepped into a warm tub.

After washing and putting the proper clothes on; Lady Adorn lead the seven women into the castle where they gawk at their surroundings.

Painting surrounded each hall, status was on every corner. The large windows brought in light from outside which mad the inside of the castle even beautiful.

Akia admired every single art work. Until Lady Adorn made them walk into a large broom closet full of dust.

"You will gather your supplies here. Each of you will have a hallway to clean and beds to make. I will assign you all a hall." Lady Adorn looked directly at Akia with a warning look. "Always obey to the royal family. No matter what they ask; do it."

"Dede and Patience will take the guest hall and its chambers. Subaria and Rudo will take the guards hall and chambers. Sheena and Racheal will take the council's hall and chambers. Akia, you will accompany me in the royal family hall and chambers. You all will start this evening after I show you all around. In a meantime, follow me to the kitchen, where you will have your meals."

Lady Adorn walked out the broom closet first and the rest followed; making Akia the last one out and to close the wooden door.

"You all will awake at sun rise and and go to bed at sun set. I advice you to wash up at night and get your clothes ready. If you are not in your assign halls exactly at sun rise, you will be punish. Is there any questions before we continue further?" Lady Adorn turn to the small crowd.

No one dared to speak up.

Lady Adorn continued on; showing them the kitchen, dining room, ball room where all of them had to clean up from time to time and the halls they was assigned.

The whole time Akia had a smile on her face as she thought about her family and the benefits they will have. Her siblings will not have empty stomachs, her parents will not work like cattle anymore. They will live better; have better clothing, food and a larger hut.

Moving to England was the best thing Akia could do for her family. The years Akia will spend in this castle will be great and worth it.

She prayed nothing will happen to her family nor herself doing the time and only way she can have safety is to follow all the laws. Being obedient is her number one option..

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