Chapter 3

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Third person pov:

It's been four days since Lord Beerus and Whis have left to go destroy planets. In these past four days Lord Beerus's anger and impatience has increased ten fold. Lord Beerus is still trying to figure out why Lady Reece is angry with him. He's hurt that she didn't say I love you back, even though she did he just didn't see it. At this moment Lord Beerus and Whis are on a planet called Sporia. Sadly these people didn't realize who Lord Beerus was and gave him the second largest portion of food compared to their leader. Lord Beerus glared and quickly destroyed the planet. "I hate rude people!" Lord Beerus commented while rubbing his eyes. "Lord Beerus, was their something wrong with this planet?" "Yes, its polite to give your guest the bigger portion of the meal. That's universal knowledge Whis!" "True." Lord Beerus sighed. "Is their something else you'd like to add Whis?" "Huh? Oh nothing really, I've just noticed a change in your behavior sense we left Lady Reece." Whis said while nervously laughing. Lord Beerus growled. "Don't remind meStubborn womanWhy is she being so difficult Even Goku and Prince Vegeta don't have to deal with this!!" Whis cleared his throat. "I should remind you that your talking about Bulma and ChiChi." Lord Beerus sweatdropped. "Never mind, anyways has Reece called at all?" "Let me check." Whis frowned. "No, I'm afraid she hasn't." Lord Beerus screamed out in furious rage. "WHATS WRONG WITH MY GODDESS !" He fired a kai blast and destroyed two nearby planets. Whis appeared next to Lord Beerus. "Beerus, your destroying things unnecessarily." Whis warned. "Are you sure you didn't forget anything?" Whis asked in a wary voice. "I'm positive!" Lord Beerus grumbled while crossing his arms. Whis sighed. "Now I definitely know you forgot something." "Hey!!" Whis thought for a moment. Was it her birthday? No her birthday is in May its February. Was it a celebration or holiday? No. Was it..oh no. Lord Beerus and Lady Reece got married last year on February the 15th.  Its February the 20th. He forgot their first anniversary, one of the highlights of the year to married women. I sighed, I would say something but this is something Lord Beerus needs to figure out himself. Besides if i said anything Lady Reece would most likely kill me. "Lets go to the next planet Whis, I'm thirsty." "Very well Lord Beerus." He just nodded. "I promise I'll try not to destroy anything unnecessarily." "Good. So will this be one of the last planets we go to visit then? I did tell Lady Reece We'd be back in a week." "Lets stay away a little longer. How about two weeks instead, if she gets worried she'll call. Honestly it might give her some time to cool off." I sighed. "Alright Lord Beerus." 

*13 days after Lord Beerus and Whis left Lord Beerus temple*

(Continued Third Person pov.)

While Lord Beerus and Whis were destroying planets, the survivors who were on other planets had grouped together in an old space ship and had set it for auto pilot. This space ship landed on planet earth throwing everyone into a frenzy. Vegeta and Goku were currently sparing each other thanks to Vegeta Challenging Goku, claiming he would finally surpass Goku. Sense they both had God forms now. When Vegeta was about to win the match the space ship landed. Goku jumped. "Whoa did you sense that energy Vegeta." "Damn, what now?" Goku and Vegeta blasted off towards the spaceship and landed. The hatch opened and an old man stepped out, he had old dry green hair and purple skin. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. He was followed by a green women with brown hair, a pale man without hair, and a young women with red skin and orange hair. They all looked exhausted. "Um Hi?" Goku stated confused. The old man cleared his throat, then stared at Goku. "What planet is this? Is this far away from Sporia?" Goku scratched his head. "This is Earth, but I don't know where this Sporia is." Vegeta glared at Goku. "What?" Goku questioned. "You imbecile haven't you ever studied those maps I gave you?" "The writing was complicated." Goku stated in a whiny tone. Vegeta sighed then crossed his arms. "Sporia is fifteen solar systems away." "Wow that's quite the distance what brought you all the way out here?" Goku asked completely ignoring Vegeta's death glare. The old man sighed sadly,"Our planets have been destroyed and we have no where to go. Each planet we visit the people turn us away in fear that we are being followed by the same one that destroyed our planets." "Who did this?" Goku asked looking incredibly serious but thinking about the possibility of challenging this dangerous opponent with slight excitement. "Beerus the destroyer." Vegeta and Goku jumped back both yelling "Lord Beerus did this." Goku frowned. "Well I'm sorry that happened but we won't turn you guys away. You must be hungry so why don't you come eat and rest at my house ok? Vegeta and I will head out first thing in the morning to go check in on Lord Beerus." "You know him!!" The old man started to shake. "Yeah but don't worry he wont destroy our world because of the food." Goku laughed. "Well alright then." So after Goku had introduced them to ChiChi and Goten, they had eaten and settled in for the night. Goku and Vegeta had stuffed their faces then went to tell Bulma were they would be in the morning. Than they both decided to stay awake and train in case they needed to fight. 

Lord Beerus Temple

Reece pov: 

Where is Lord Beerus and Whis did I really set him off that much? I hope they come back soon. Am I overreacting? Do men normally forget their first anniversary? I miss him but I still feel angry, if he forgets the day we were married does he really care about me or is it all just an act? No that's horrible to think about, of course he cares about me he said he loves me and God's don't lie. They just have bad memory apparently. Oh I don't know what to think anymore. All I know is that I miss him and I hope he comes back soon, I should have said I love you back. It probably hurt him, I'll just have to tell him what he forgot and see his reaction. Hopefully I can tell whether or not he regrets not remembering. Lord Beerus where are you my Love.

Third person:

These are the thoughts Reece fell asleep with in Lord Beerus bed, she has been sleeping in it for a few days now. Lord Beerus and Whis were on their way back and would make it there in the morning. Lord Beerus was pissed and decided he wouldn't talk to Reece until she told him what made her so mad. This is where Whis will start to intervene and things will start to get heated fast.

End of chapter 3

-Peace out!!

Lord Beerus's Rage and Reece's forgotten anniversary!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt