Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Grace's P.O.V

I was suprised at myself. I'd met these people about an hour ago and already I was telling them my story, something that I normally wouldn't tell anyone. But I supposed that they were involved now and if what I thought about Mitch was true then he was in almost as much danger as me.
"It all started because I felt sorry for him." I started off, softly. "He was the reject in our neighborhood, nobody would hang out with him or talk to him or anything like that. I was the new girl, and I'm sure that if I knew why everyone avoided him I wouldn't have done what I did. Anyway, I really hated the way that he was being treated and it was for seemingly no reason."
"Didn't you ask anybody?" Mitch questioned.
"Of couse I did. I asked everybody but they all refused to tell me. So I decided to be nice to him, unlike everybody else." I paused as I gulped and brushed back a piece of my hair.
"The first Friday night of every month all the students would have a disco. On the second one I went to, I managed to change my life for ever."
"How?" Scott asked, leaning his head on one hand. I sighed.
"This is probably gonna sound crazy to you guys but I asked him to dance. That's how."
"How did that change your life forever?" Kirstie frowned, cofused. 
I sighed again.
"The very next day he came to my house with a bunch of flowers. He was so sweet, standing there while he asked me to go on a date with him. I did and it was really fun. A week later he asked me to be his girlfirend. I accepted." 
I smiled slightly as I continued.
"A year later on my birthday, he asked me to marry him. I said yes and moved in with him the week after. I honestly felt like the luckiest girl in the entire world."
I frowned, remembering what happened next.
"A month before the wedding, he went away on what he said was a 'buissiness trip'. He was gone for a week and when he came back he seemed much happier. I thought it was because the Big Day was closer. Then one day while he was at work, I was cleaning under the bed in the spare room when I found a strange looking box. It was about the same size and shape as a shoe box. I thought maybe it had something interesting in it. But when I opened it..."
I stopped, took a deep shuddering breath and ran a hand through my hair.
"The first thing I found was a diary sort of thing. I opened it and discovered that it was his. For the first couple of entries it was fine. It had my name in it a lot. So I skipped to the most recent entry and... It was from when he went away... And... And he had found out that his cousin knew something and didn't tell him. So he... He... K-killed her!" I finally managed to choke out the words. Then suddenly, tears were pouring down my face again. Dammit, I thought to myself. Not again! But of course, once I started I couldn't stop.
Somebody came and sat next to me and put their arm around me. They pulled me into their side and whispered in my ear.
"It's ok, you'll be alright."
How could I tell him? Would he remember? He needed to know but I really didn't want to be the one who told him.
"I-I'm so s-sorry!" I sobbed into his shoulder. 
"What for?" He asked, confusion in his voice. I sniffed.
"I'm so sorry I brought you guys into this. Especially you Mitch." I pulled away, feeling that I didn't deserve his kindness. Mitch looked at me strangely.
"Why especially me?"
I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath, preparing myself.
"Under the diary was a newspaper clipping. It was about a case where there were two siblings, twin boys at a playground. They were seven years old and unacompanied. About an hour after they arrived, a woman was walking her dog through the park when she found the boys. One of them was standing on top of the swing set. The other was lying on the ground, bleeding from a gash at the back of his neck. The woman quickly called for an ambulance and tried to call the other boy down. He snarled at her, baring his teeth like an animal. An ambulane arrived and took the injured boy to hospital. It took four men half an hour to get the boy off the swing set. He lashed out at anyone who came near him. It was clear he was completely crazy."
I paused and sighed.
"The crazy boy is my fiance. And his brother..." I trailed off.
"What about his brother?" Scott questioned.
I took a deep breath. Nothing would be able to prepare them for this...

"His brother is in this room."

Pentatonix: Was I Mistaken?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن