On the Rooftops of London

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"Are you coming?"

John look up in surprise. "What?"

Sherlock tied his scarf impatiently. "Are you coming to Bart's or not?"

"Ohm um, yeah." John shifted in his chair. "I'll meet you there."

Sherlock headed out, but poked his head back in. "Are you alright, John?"

"Hm? Yeah, don't mind me."

After Sherlock left, John sat quietly. He didn't plan on moving any time soon, but when his phone vibrated, he knew those plans would change.

On the rooftops of London...Coo, what a sight. I'll see you at Bart's -M

John took a long look around the flat. "I'll be back," he said, but he didn't really believe it.


As he approached the roof of Bart's, John could hear "Staying Alive" blasting through the air.

"Why am I here, Moriarty?" John shouted.

Moriarty looked up from where he was jamming on the roof's ledge. "John, so glad you could make it!"

"Why am I here?" John repeated.

"We both know you already know the answer," Moriarty said with a smile as he stood up.

"You're going to kill me." It was a statement, not a question.

"Oh, no, John. I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to talk to you, and then you're going to kill yourself."

"Why me?" John asked quietly. "Why not someone who matters?"

"Why not Sherlock, you mean? Because, I'm not done with him. I still want to play."

John took a deep, steadying breath. "Will...will you let me talk to him, one last time?"

"Of course. It was always part of the plan."

The John Watson FallOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora