A Cab Ride and a Story

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John flipped through the paper absentmindedly. Sherlock leaned against the window, possibly in his Mind Palace. The case with Moriarty was beginning to take its toll on both of them. John didn't know how much longer they could hold out. The end was drawing near; he could sense it.

His phone suddenly vibrated. Pulling it out, he glanced at Sherlock for a reaction, but his eyes never left the window.

Get in the cab. Don't tell Sherlock. And grab your coat. It's cold out. -M

John peeked out the window. Sure enough, a black cab was waiting by the curb. John grabbed his coat and hurried down the stairs. He paused just before he left, making sure his gun was in his pocket. After confirming that it was, he stepped outside, shutting the door firmly behind him.

The cab hummed to life as he approached. He opened the door and climbed in. "Where are we going?" John asked. The cabbie said nothing, but pulled the cab back out onto the street. They rode in silence for a few minutes, until the screen in front of John flickered on.

"Hullo," said Moriarty. "Are you ready for the story? This is the story of the Loyal Squire.

"The Loyal Squire was the most devoted follower of Sir Boast-A-Lot. And, as time passed, Sir Boast-A-Lot relied more and more on the Loyal Squire.

"One day, the Loyal Squire learned that someone was plotting to kill Sir Boast-A-Lot. The Loyal Squire couldn't let that happen, could he? But how could he stop it?

"So instead of telling his friend about the plot, the Loyal Squire offered himself to Sir Boast-A-Lot's enemies. But would that be enough?

"The end!"

John took several deep shaky breaths. "What the-"

"The best friend always dies," the cabbie said as they came to a stop. Moriarty turned around and smiled. "No charge."

John stumbled out of the cab. He tried to get his gun out, but the cab - and Moriarty - was gone before he could.

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