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Warner left again to go back to the training quarters as soon as I went to take a bath. Not that he really wanted, but I told him that he should help the rest out with training and making sure they we're okay. He wanted to object, but he decided against it and I just went into the bathroom.

Right now I'm lying on the bed, wearing my pajamas, covered under a blanket, hugging a pillow and staring at the ceiling, looking at nothing in particular. I'm thinking about why it could be that I suddenly had an asthma attack, certainly after such a long time going without them.

Maybe I just was stressed out, maybe I just had too much on my mind. It probably was nothing.

"You okay, love?" Warner startles me as he settles himself down on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah I'm fine, I probably had an asthma attack earlier. But I'm fine now.--Where is everybody else?" I ask, sitting up a little as I realize that they didn't pass through the room to go back to their rooms.

"I brought them to their rooms through another way, I didn't want to interrupt you." He says, smiling a sincere smile.

"That wasn't necessary, really Aaron."

"I didn't want to give you any more stress than you probably already had."

"Probably?" I ask, not even knowing why, because he made a regular statement.

"I couldn't sense your feelings that clear today, I have a lot on my mind so I'm not sure." he says, stroking my hand.

"Oh okay. You are alright, are you Aaron-- Because maybe we should call of the battle for another week--"

"I'm fine, love, really, I am. We all just are a little tense around here, certainly with the current situation and all." he says. It is silent for a while before he finally says something again. "Okay, I'm going to get ready for bed--take a shower and stuff and then I'll join you."

"Sounds perfect to me." I smile and he bends over an places a kiss on my forehead, stands up to get some clothes and go to the bathroom. But even before he is headed into the bathroom, I'm already drifting of into sleep.


Okay you guys! I'm back! (Note:kind off) So I'm going to try and write again! I don't know if some of you guys have already noticed it but I'm telling you too. I'm correcting the first chapters, so they might look a little different but they will still have the same contents. So don't worry you won't get back on anything! :)

I will post longer chapters soon, so don't worry! It won't be short chapters like this all the time! Enjoy reading and your life and your all incredibly  beautiful!

Love y'all, xxx Catherine!

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