Chapter 4 - A Day at Hogwarts

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A/N: sorry if the schedule doesn't follow the books.
September, 2nd 1991


*Beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*
"Stupid alarm." I mumbled. I glanced over at the magical alarm. It read '7:00'. Penelope had told us that breakfast starts at 7:30. I forced myself out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom. After splashing myself with water, I started to put on my Hogwarts uniform. The uniform consists of a white collared, long sleeved shirt, a tie of house colours, a grey jumper vest, a black, knee length skirt paired with black or grey socks, and black comfortable shoes. Each student wears a cloak that bears their house crest on the front, right side and has lining of their house colour: green for Slytherin, red for Gryffindor, blue for Ravenclaw, and yellow for Hufflepuff. I followed a large horde of fourth years to the dining hall. Professor Flitwick handed everyone's schedule, and when I glanced at it, this is what I saw for

9:00 - 10:30: Herbology, Professor Sprout, Gryffindor
11:00 - 12:30: Herbology, Professor Sprout, Gryffindor
2:00 - 3:30: Potions, Professor Snape, Slytherin
4:00 - 5:30: Transfiguration, Professor MsGonagall, Hufflepuff

While I looked over my schedule, I heard a groan from down the table. A golden hair fourth year girl with small grey eyes was glaring at her schedule. When her friend asked her what was wrong, she was not happy that she had double potions with Slytherin, then double Herbology with Gryffindor.

45 minutes later:

"Hey, I'm going to Herbology. You wanna come so we can make sure we don't get lost?" Mandy called to me.

"Sure." I replied, besides, I was done with breakfast.
"Today, you need to get into groups of two." Professor Sprout called out. Padma went with Mandy, Su went with a bushy haired Gryffindor girl, Boot went with Goldstein, Corner went with Entwhistle, and Cornfoot went with another Gryffindor boy. I looked around and felt a tap on my back.

"Hey, um, you wanna with together?" Lisa asked

"Sure. Any idea what we're gonna do?" I asked. Sprout walked around, handing out these small ceramic pots. When we received ours, I saw that the inside of the pot contained some sort of earthen creature inside. It ran around inside the pot, but it only got a few steps before it bumped into the other side and promptly sat down on its butt.

The rest of the class passed uneventfully, except for when a Gryffindor boy, Neville Longbottom, managed to completely and totally mess up the simple task of moving the earthen creatures from one put to another. How he managed that was beyond me, but, oh well. What can you do?


The ready of the day passed uneventfully. Potions was okay, but Professor Snape is incredibly biased. I mean, he took points off of Ravenclaw when Michael Corner accidentally dropped his bag when he was getting potion vials out. That doesn't deserve 5 points off from Ravenclaw. Transfiguration is really interesting. Even though we're doing simple things, it's my favorite so far, but we still haven't had everything.

After dinner I hurried upstairs (and by UPstairs, I mean a lot of stairs) to my dorm to finish whatever homework I had left. Since I had done about two hours worth of homework earlier, all I had was two more inches of writing on my Potions essay. I hadn't gotten any homework from Herbology or . Some people *cough Goldstein and Corner cough* hasn't done ANYTHING! We're Ravenclaws, people! But unlike Corner and Goldstein, the girls got to go to bed at about 8:30, while the boys didn't get to come in till way later. That'll teach you a lesson.

Dear Mum,

Hogwarts is amazing. Lisa is really nice and so is everyone else here. I talked with Su at lunch today and found out that she was the oldest of all of the siblings, and was constantly being annoyed by them. I really can't relate to that considering Evelyn is nine years older than me, so we weren't all that close. She (Su) is a pure blood and and from what I gathered was that she could send an owl to her house all you have to do is say something like, "To Li's Manor", and then the owl will find it. Mandy is a muggleborn like me and has two twin older brothers that are muggles. Lisa is a pure blood and has a twin brother in Hufflepuff. Padma is a half-blood and has one younger brother (and her twin).

We actually didn't go to bed right away, but stayed up talking about our Magical Theory books.
Somehow, from discussing Magical Theory, we were able to get to the topic of CHEESE!!! I mean, how do you do that!!! We were finally able to start getting ready for bed at 9:00!!! By the time I actually feel asleep it was probably 9:30, because it took 15 minutes to get ready for bed and then it took another 15 minutes to fall asleep. I'm going to regret this tomorrow, aren't I?

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