Chapter 3 - Hogwarts

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A/N: okay I lost all my work on this chapter, so everything is new. But the idea isn't. There might be some things that I changed that weren't in the last draft,so bear with me. Thanks!!

Everyone at (muggle) school had noticed the changed in Katherine. Her friends were disappointed that she wasn't going the local secondary school, but wondered where she was going instead. Katherine's parents had told everyone that she was going to a boarding school up in Scotland, called St. Margaret's School for Girls. Come September 1st, and she would be off to a school of magic.

September 1st, 1991

"Bye Mum!! I'll write you tons and tons of letters. I promise!"

After a tearful goodbye, Katherine was ready.
'This is terrible idea.' Katherine thought, but it was to late. She was already running at top speed towards the obviously solid barrier. 'I'm going to crash and make a complete fool of myself.' Katherine closed her eyes in preparation for the impact, the inevitable crash, but it never came. She opened one eye just a crack, and at once both her eyes flew open at once. In front of Katherine was the most spectacular sight. A gleaming red train engine stood in front of her. It looked like something out of a fairytale or dream. Katherine walk towards it, as if in a trance. She reached her hand, just to make sure it wasn't a hallucination or vision, and she felt the cool metal against her fingertips. Attempting to drag her trunk into the second carriage on the train, A sudden voice startled her and made her drop the trunk on her foot.

"Need some help there? I remember I could never lift my trunk trunk until third year." Katherine turned around to see a girl about 15 or 16 years old with short brown hair hazel eyes and a large splash of freckles on her nose.

"Thanks." Katherine said gratefully. Together they were able to lift the trunk up into the carriage and find an empty

"So, I'll just leave you here." Said the girl.

She turned to leave the compartment, but Katherine called out, "Hey, thanks for the help."

The girl turned back around, said, "no problem," and left.

15 minutes later, three other kids, one boy and two girls, peaked their heads around the corner of the compartment. "Hey can we sit here?" Said a tall brunet.

"This is the only near empty compartment for miles around." Continued a golden haired girl, with an apologetic shrug of her shoulders.

"Actually, remember -" a short black haired boy started to say, but was cut off by the first girl.

"Wayne, we are not sitting with Draco Malfoy. He would done something terrible, considering I'm a half blood, and you and Sophie are both muggleborns." They continued like this for about five minutes till the second girl turned to Katherine and asked  her if they could join her.

"Sure. Have a seat," Was the response. Together they were able to drag in the blonde girls trunk and put it on the luggage rack above them. Then Blondie/Sophie, as Katherine had taken to calling her, called out the other two who were still bickering outside the compartment door.

"Hey, we got compartment. You guys can stop discussing whether we should go to Malfoy's carriage."  Their head shot around and quickly flushed red. They dragged their trunks and with all four 11-year-old, they were able to get them on the luggage rack.

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