Chapter 5 : The Stranger

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Rebecca's pov

I walked to the bakery in the morning.I saw Harry's car parked outside knowing he left it there.I walked inside ready to start work.I saw an elderly lady come in."Hello is Harold here today?"she asked."Harold,"I said confused."Yes,Harold Edward Styles,"she said."Oh,no he's not here at the moment but he will be later.May I help you?"I asked trying to be polite."Oh I would like twenty cupcakes please," she ordered."Yes ma'am,"I said.I started putting the cupcakes in the boxes."Oh please call me Joan.You must be the new girl,Rebecca.Harold has told me so much about you,"she said."He has?"I asked/said."Oh of course.If I didn't know I'd think you were his girlfriend," she said.As soon as she said that I immediately remembered last night.When Harry was gonna go out with me but I said no.I felt really bad about that."Is something bothering you dear?"she asked."Oh um no its nothing,"I said snapping out of my thoughts."Well,Harry was right.You are a lovely young lady,"Joan said.I took the boxes out to her car and set them in the backseat."Bye Joan see you soon,"I said waving goodbye as she drove off.Joan now seemed like a grandma to me.She was really nice and by her talk about Harry I can see that she regularly comes here.

Soon I saw Harry walk up the sidewalk.He stopped in front of me and we just stared into each others eyes."Do you talk about me that often?"I asked."What do you mean?"he asked looking around."I just saw Joan and she told me a lot about you talking about me,"I told him.He satarted to blush."I may talk about you here and there.I hope that's okay,"he said nervously.

Harry's pov

I could feel the butterflies build up in my stomach.Just looking at Rebecca and telling her about me talking behind her back just made me nervous.I started to work as usual while staring at Rebecca.When it was time for my break I noticed Angela walk in."Okay Harry,ready to leave?"she asked me nicely.We decided to go out and get some coffee instead of staying here.Joe said it would be better for business."Actually Angela,I think I'll stay here and help your daughter bake.We have to make as many cupcakes as we can for a fundraiser coming up,"I said."Well Rebecca can come with us,"she told me."I don't think Joe would approve,"I said."Lets just see about that,"she said.She walked into Joe's office and closed the door.After three minutes she came back out."He said it was fine,"she said happily.Then me, Rebecca,and Angela all went to a coffee shop for our break.We sat in a booth drinking coffee."Thanks for inviting me.I know its not normal to have a Tag Along Tina following you everywhere,"Rebecca said.I couldn't help but laugh at her tag along joke."You can come whenever you want,"I said being nice.Soon we had to leave because Angela had to go back to work.We were walking out of the place when I noticed that Angela and Rebecca stayed behind."Harry dear,I need to talk to my daughter about something real quick could you wait out side for us?"she asked.I nodded my head and left.I waited outside for Rebecca.

Rebecca's pov

My mother made me stay behind and I knew she wanted to talk about Harry."Rebecca listen,I know you may not like him but I do.Plus you just broke up with your boyfriend and you both are single.Please give him a chance.I know for a fact that he limes you just by seeing the way he looks at you and laughs at your jokes,"she said."Mum,Harry doesn't like me okay.He already asked me out and I said no.I just broke up with Jacob and I don't need you bugging me about dating.I know you don't like the guys I date but at least stop all this arguing with me about Harry.We don't like eachother,"I told her."Fine,"she said angrily storming out of the building.I walked outside and saw Harry standing there.We walked back to the bakery in silence and didn't talk the rest of the day.I could have sworn he heard me and my mum talking but I wasn't sure.I started to like Harry after he asked me to go out with him.I felt like he was my bestest friend.Like we've been friends for forever.I walked home that night feeling really sad.I took a short cut to my flat by walking through a park.I suddenly heard someone holler after me."Hey!" they shouted.I turned around to see who it was.Then I found out that the person was closer than I thought."What your name?"they asked."R-Rebecca,"I stuttered."Nervous are we?I'm Adam,"he said."What do you want?"I asked trying to hurry back home."I wanted to ask you if you would go out for coffee with me in the morning,"he said."You mean like a date?"I asked."Yeah,"he said."Kay,"I answered.We then exchanged phone numbers and I hurried home.I saw my dog asleep on the couch and decided to hit the hay myself.

Harry's pov

That night when I was driving home I drove slowly passed the park.I saw to people talking.I saw that one person was Rebecca and the other was a man.I thought it could either be a guy she was seeing or it was her ex.I decided not to bother them.I just drove home and fell asleep.

a/n Hey I hope you like this chapter

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