"Well, looks like I'm stuck with your ugly ass," Raulson joked, turning in his chair.

"I may be many things, but ugly is not one of them George Lopez," I joked back assuring him.

"Well would you look at that," Gillison started. My blood started to boil immediately; I just knew he was going to say something to piss me off.

"Our Calvary makes jokes now huh? Praise god," he snickered, foolishly rising his hands up. "Isn't that what your people do," he questioned.

"I've beaten your ass once Tom, and I'll do it again," I said standing up. His pale face flustered with anger as I exited the conference room.


Two months into the case and all we've done is absolutely nothing. Valencia insists that we have to stand ground and watch them of their habits before we can even begin undercover work. I just want to put those bastards behind bars. Especially Big J, he's going to pay for what he's done to me.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands. I'm a man of strong principle, and if Valencia wouldn't give me permission, I'd have to persuade permission. I'd never just go out into field against orders, because that would make me look bad.

Knock knock knock

I have Valencia's apartment door three hits, before waiting. Holding a tight grip on a bag of éclair's from her favourite restaurant behind my back.

"I don't have change for a twe-" she opened the door greeting. Apparently expecting someone else.

"Benning's," her face hardened, as she said my name. "What are you doing here?" She questioned, folding her arms. I felt myself lightly stiffen, as I stared at her perky breast sit up from under her champagne colored lingerie. She noticed my gaze, closing in on her robe.

"Well Ms. Valencia," I started, leaning in before adjusting myself straight. "May I come in first?" I suggested, trying to fulfill my ultimate plan.

"Absolutely not," she started off raising her hands. "You need to leave," she said holding her hands together. Before she could continue I held the bag of éclair's into the air. She gave me a evil scold before crossing her arms once more.

"Come on," she smacked her teeth, pulling back the door. I entered into her apartment, letting the warm aroma of candles fill my nose. "Are you going to give me the food or what," she snapped, taking the bag from me. She opened it, taking a slow bite from the creme filled pastry.

"Now I know you're not here just to give me these creme cakes." She started, sitting the bag onto her marbled counter top. "So what is it Benning's," she quizzed, folding her arms again.

"Well, you're right," I admitted, walking over to her black couch. "I'm not here to play Muffin Man. I'm actually here to present a proposition."

"I'm in no mood for any proposition, so you can leave now," she motioned towards the door.

"Valencia I came here to-"

"I don't care why you came here Benning, I asked you to leave." She cut me off.

"You know what Herra," I started walking in front of her. "Are you still pissed about what happened?" I asked in all seriousness.

"Get over yourself Xavier! Just because we're fucking doesn't mean that I get emotional over everything."

"Well all you do is my balls and make shit harder for me! To everyone it's obvious that something is happening between us!" I argued.

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