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This is during her pregnancy when she started to have hunger pains from the baby.

Meolens P.O.V

"Thranduil!!" I yelled as I couldn't take it anymore. "Yes, my dear," Thranduil replied with a calm voice with his face in pure panic. "I am surely starving," Said I, honestly. "But, my dear you ate only an hour ago," He said, looking in curiosity. "I am starving still, might you fetch me some bread and soup?" I looked upon him with pleading eyes and a growling stomach. "Alright, but this is the last time. You have eaten five times today and it has yet to be dinner." Thranduil had a concerned look in his eye when he exited our room in search of bread and soup.

"Ugh, my stomach, why does it have to hurt this much!" I yelled out in frustration. "I will just take a bath. Surely that will ease the pain."

I ushered in the maids and they then had drawn my bath for me. I had gotten into the bathtub with much struggle as my abdomen was big and doing much of anything was quite difficult.  Lavender, oh sweet lavender. This smell was my personal favorite, for Thranduil had gotten me some soaps of this smell.

I heard some footsteps outside of the bathroom door. Most likely that was Thranduil, If not then I have no clue to whom that might be.

Hopefully it's Thranduil.

I am Starving.

Thranduils P.O.V

I left the room to gather some soup and bread for the hundredth time today, at least it has felt like it. All of the maids and butlers were bustling about. With there manor, it seemed as if something was going on today, even though there was not anything going on.

I opened the doors to the kitchen and approached the cook once again today. "May I have some soup and bread." I asked the cook.

"Again?" The cooked asked me curiously.

"Yes, now would you get me some soup and bread." I replied.

"Of course." She said back, with fear in her eyes.

She then handed me the soup and bread. I left the room and headed back to Meolen.

I opened the door and stepped in. Not seeing Meolen I set the food down and layed on the bed.

Meolens P.O.V

I walked out of the bathroom with my bathrobe on and smelled the soup and bread. I looked to my right and saw the soup and bread on the vanity. I then sat down and began to eat my soup.

"Meolen, there you are, I had no idea as to where you had went."

I jumped, startled. I looked behind me and saw my love, Thranduil sitting upon our bed.

"Sorry, I just went to take a bath. I felt that maybe it might sooth my stomach." I told him honestly.

"Did it help at all?" Thranduil asked.

"No." I replied, with a hint of anger in my voice.

"It is okay my love." Thranduil spoke with a smooth voice. He then got off of the bed and placed his hands on my shoulders. "I love you, and I am so sorry that you have to be in pain."

"It's fine." I told him.

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