Marriage Counselling (Mini Series) Final Part

Start from the beginning

"You really do." You admitted.

"I see that you've put protective as a positive thing, but I thought you considered that annoying?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"I don't consider it annoying, Harry. It shows you care." You told him and he smiled, leaning down press his lips against yours.

"I love you." He mumbled.

"I love you too." You said, pulling away as he pulled his list out of his back pocket.

"I went into a bit more detail on mine, so it's more like a letter than a list, simply because I feel like I've let you down a lot recently and I want you to know all of this." He explains, handing me his piece of paper.

"Harry, you haven't let me down at all. Don't be so hard on yourself." You defended, kissing his cheek before opening his list and reading out loud;

The things I love about Y/N:
1. - She cares for me in more ways than one; she cooks for me and tells me I don't need to help out and she's always there for me whenever I need her, which is always, but when I need her the most, she's there.

2. She takes care of me when I'm sick, she cooks me food, she covers me in blankets and she helps me into the shower. She gives me medicine when I need it and she's always there for a cuddle, even though I get a little clingy when I'm sick.

3. She's always there with good advice for me and she's always kind. If I've had a bad day and I'm snappy, she gives me space and then she makes sure I'm okay. Even if I'm being stubborn, she makes sure I'm okay and she never gives up on me.

4. She always buys bananas because she knows I love them.

5. She always finds the time for me and if I wanted to spend some time with her, she'd give up going out with her friends, to stay with me.

6. She always forgives me if I do something wrong, because she doesn't believe in holding grudges and that's another thing I love about her.

7. She laughs at my jokes, even when no one else does and defends me if someone says they're bad.

8. She's always beautiful to me and she always will be, even when were both old and we have grey hair, she will still be the most beautiful woman I have ever met.

9. She loves me unconditionally for who I am and she doesn't judge me.

10. She is always gentle and she's always caring and I love her.

P.S. She is perfect in every way to me and I really hope that I got that message across in this list. All the love, Harry x

By the end of Harry's list, you felt yourself become emotional at his sincere words and you wrapped your arms around him tightly and he nuzzled his face into your neck.

"Harry, how do I ever manage to shout at you?" You asked him, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.

"Because I can be a pain sometimes and I can be hurtful." He replied, regretfully.

"But I love you and I hope you know that." He added, squeezing you against him gently.

"I do know that and I love you too, so so much." You told him, seriously.

"I know baby, but you don't have to cry, it was just a list." He whispered, with a chuckle, rubbing your back gently as you pulled away slightly to look at him.

"I love you Harry and that was much more than a list to me." You told him, pulling him closer to you and attaching your lips in a gentle, loving kiss.

"Alright, stop being sad on me now, I have something that'll cheer you up." He smiled, reaching over to pull something from under his pillow.

He pulled out a box and opened it, showing me a beautiful diamond ring with 'I Love You" carved into the front of it.

"It's a promise ring and it's to tell you that I'm always here for you and that I love you and that I'll always love you so much, even though we argue." He explained, placing the ring on your finger.

"Harry, that's so sweet." You gasped and he smiled.

"I know," he laughed cheekily and you slapped his chest playfully.

"What? Your list said so." He defended and you nodded, with a smile.

"Hey and if you turn the ring around, it says something else too." He told you, placing it onto your finger.

You turned it around to see four more words and you smiled, flicking the ring back around as you read the whole sentence.

"I Love You, All The Love - Harry xx"

"I love you too." You smiled up at him as he leaned in to pepper your face in kisses.

The rest of your time together was spent like this, together and happy and even though you still argued, you always found a way. Together.

Hi everyone! <3

This is the final part of the mini series, I hope you all enjoyed it! I will possibly be making it into a Fan fiction at some point, but this is the final part if I don't <3

I know that five parts isn't a lot, but I didn't want to drag it out too much and I feel like five parts is enough <3

Not edited, but I will read over it and make corrections at some point, when I can <3

Lots of Love,

Lauren xx

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