The First Class.

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Jessica's POV
I walk into my first class and take a glimpse at the man standing at the front. He is tall with very pale skin and black hair. He turns around and..
It's him, Michael Jackson. I think I'm gonna faint. He gives me a big grin and says in his soft and quiet voice 'hello I'm ur new music teacher mr Jackson have a seat here whats your name?' I shakily nod and walk to the seat at the front. I am early so Michael- I mean, Mr Jackson sits at his desk and begins talking to me. 'U didn't say, what is ur name?' I cough and my face turns red oh my god I am so nervous 'u-um I'm... J-jessica' I give him a small smile and he laughs then whispers 'what a beauti ful name... Jessica' he realises I heard him and blushes I blush as well then he says 'I look forward to teaching and getting to know u...Jessica' I nod and the bell rings and students pile into the class .


I stare at Mr Jackson the whole class and he stares at me too omg I am so embarrassed and he messes up on his words at times bc he's staring at me and the class laughs at him I yell 'shut up he doin his best' he thanks me and continues. The day goes by really fast and I want to see mr Jackson more but he only teaches one class for me everyday my music class..


I get home and decide to look mr Jackson up on Facebook but I remember he is.. WAS... a famous singer and already has a public page I sigh and frown close my laptop and go to sleep.

Mr Jackson My New Music Teacher (MJ)Where stories live. Discover now