I love him, I love him not...(Ghost story) - Part 5

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Dear Diary

So, Keith called yesterday. He wants me to go over this weekend. When his parents and sister aren't there. Hell. I didn't know he HAD a sister! But I'm not sure I want to be alone with him. He's...sometimes I think he's hiding something important. Something I need to know. I woke up last night and I thought I saw him at my window. But when I looked nobody was there. And I'm scared that he's going to tell me. I've got to go. Bye x

Belinda stood alone on the balcony leading from her room. It was truly a breath taking view, putting her worries to ease. She was sick again so she wasn't going in to school, a small amount of peace in her ever raging storm of a mind. She leaned her head against the cool wood of her railing. She couldn't stand very well and her head spun every time she tried. She wished her mum didn't have to work. She hated being alone at the best of times.

But you're always alone, a voice whispered in the depths of her mind. You know Keith doesn't want you. He's just messing with you. And when Andrew gets sick of you leaving him alone, you'll be like you're meant to be. Alone.

Belinda began sobbing, awful scared noises that made her feel even more terrified. She knew that Keith was hiding something, was probably in on something with Emma and it scared her that she didn't care. The feeling was hysterical, her body shaking as she clung to the rails. She needed somebody there, somebody to calm her mind, get rid of the gut wrenching feeling that she didn't have anybody.

Her hand reached for the phone, wanting her mum to fix this broken feeling. But instead she found herself dialling Keith's number. She needed to speak to him, to hear him. She wanted his soothing words, even if they were fake. Her sobs grew calmer as she waited...and waited. When the answer machine picked up Belinda was back to her most hysterical. She knew she left a message, something desperate but she couldn't help it.

After she hung up again she looked up at her clock and the fear rolled over anew. It was five to two - school would let out in an hour. And then it could be any length of time before he got home and heard the message. She curled into a ball at the front door, her head whirling in pain. She needed to think, needed a calm presence to fix her. Needed...

Keith came through his door, worried. Neither Belinda nor Andrew had been at school. He hadn't thought Andrew would move so soon, trapping her but...no, before he jumped to outrageous conclusions, he would call her house, see if she was okay. That was how he say the message light blinking slowly. He looked curiously at it before pressing. Belinda's voice filled the room and he relaxed briefly, before he heard what she was saying. She sounded...scared. Terrified. So he reset the message to listen again.

"Keith, I need you to call back. Please, I need you to. I'm on my own, I-I-please!!!" He flinched at the raw sob. "Keith, I don't want to be alone, please, call. Or come round, please I n-need you. I don't know what to do. Please."

Keith was out of the door before the message ended. He had never heard anyone sound so scared. She had begged him, probably wanting him to pick up, impossible as it was. A whole hour had passed, and anything could have happened since then. Andrew could have gone to her house, pretending he was ill, tricking her. His mouth set into a line as his car pulled into her drive. He thought he could hear crying as he approached the door.

The door flung wide open, making Belinda jump. Her head lifted to meet Keith's eyes, the worry that creased his brow easing slightly as she tried to stand. And fell, when her legs couldn't hold her. Even as she cried out he caught her and she was burying herself into his arms sobbing openly in relief. She had felt so lonely in the last hour...she never wanted to feel like that again, never. As he held her she felt the sobs subside and the headache push past the dizzy relief.

"Keith," she whispered before the pain eclipsed and she fainted. When she came to, Keith was sitting next to her bed, his fair hair fluffy. She rolled, her head finally free from the pain. Her hand reached almost absentmindedly for Keith and he jerked awake. His hand caught hers and he closed his eyes as he pressed it to his cheek.

"God Belinda, are you okay?" he said, his voice hoarse. "Do you know how much you scared me? Never do that again, okay?"

Belinda nodded mutely and then she closed her eyes, thinking back. She had called him, desperate for a friend. For him. She looked at him, her eyes filling with tears and gratitude. And then caught her breath as he leaned towards her, foreheads touching. And then he was kissing her, soft and gentle.

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