I love him, I love him not...(Ghost story)

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12/03/08 - Maths

Dear Diary

Today a new guy arrived! I'm so excited, he's really cute. And he's been put into all of my classes. Score one for the geeky girls. The look on Emma Hawton's face was classic. He spent the whole day with me, asking me all sorts of questions and...well, he's really awesome. I hope he gets to stay longer than the last new person. Jess was really nice as well. It was such a shock when her parents made her move again. She hasn't written to me, wherever she is. I suppose that shouldn't be a shock but I was really hoping we'd stay friends. Whoops! Better do that work, miss will kill me if I don't finish it again. Bye x

"Oh, Belinda! Nice t-shirt. Where'd you get it, rubbish tip?"

The raucous laughter this caused lasted longer than normal but stopped abruptly when Andrew walked in. As soon as all six foot two inches of him walked in, the girls fell into awed silence. He was extremely handsome, even more so than Keith, the most popular boy in school. His brown hair was a little long and shaggy, but it accented his muscular face perfectly, half covering his dark brown eyes.

"Bel, are you coming or what?" he called out, his deep voice sending shivers down her spine. "You said you'd help me with this English and I still don't understand it."

"Um, sure," Belinda said, her blush blending into her autumn red hair. It was a pretty colour, dark but not quite brown. It was like someone had taken Lindsay Lohan's hair and transplanted it onto her head. Her green eyes were over-bright today, shining with happiness as she walked with Andrew. He was like a teen God, even in the way he moved. Graceful but not odd.

Belinda was so wrapped up in Andrew she walked smack into Keith. She hadn't even realised she'd been walking for the most part but she must have been. He had definitely been standing still. She stood up from where she had fallen and blushed again. Why couldn't she do anything right?

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," she mumbled, scrambling around for her books.

"No problem," Keith replied, his voice even deeper next to her squeak. "Belinda, right? Here."

He had half of her books in his hand and was studying one. She was shocked that he had the nerve to read it in front of her! She spluttered indignantly as she snatched the book back.

"Hey! There's such a thing as privacy you know!"

"In your Maths book," he replied, deadpan. "Come on, I just wanted to see yesterday's homework - I didn't do it."

Furious, Belinda tried to storm off but walked straight into Andrew this time. He looked mildly confused for a minute, as though he didn't know what was going on. Then he smiled at Belinda and all she could think was 'whoa'. Something had to be wrong with the universe if this super cute guy was smiling like that at her. She felt a tingle of worry tease her spine before she dismissed it, following Andrew the rest of the way to the library.

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