"Did you have a nice run?" I stood up on my tip toes and pecked his lips.

Jake nodded and got on his knees to kiss our little one, "It felt good to be on all fours again."

"That's good, I made us some pasta alfredo. I figured you'd be hungry and we could talk about baby names." I drummed my fingers against his chest.

Jake grinned and gave me another kiss, "You're so cute when you're excited. It sounds like a plan."

I let Jake help set the table and after a few minutes we were enjoying our lunch. It was so good I had seconds and Jake had thirds. After I cleaned my plate, I grabbed the book and sat back down next to Jake.

"Okay boy names or girl names first." I flipped through some pages.

"Ladies first."

"Okay, I think Violet is cute and we can pair it with your mother's name for the middle name." I showed Jake.

"Violet Sarah... Violet Black sounds badass actually. She'll be a tough one." Jake nodded in agreement, "And we can call her 'Vi' for short."

"And for a boy, I was thinking of using the name Mom would've given me if I were a boy. Edward Jacob, E.J. for short." I looked up at him.

"I'm sure your dad would get a kick out of that, but it's sorta cute in a way." Jake snickered.

"Are there any names you like?" I asked.

"I really like the name Chloë for a little girl. It's been on my mind for awhile." he played with his noodles.

"Really? That's cute that you want a little princess, Jake." I grinned.

"I just imagine a little girl to spoil endlessly with what her heart desires." Jake held one of my hands, "And a little boy to play in the mud with and bond with."

"This is really sweet, honey." I kissed his hand, "You're going to the best daddy ever."

"And you're going to be the best mommy ever."

Everything was so perfect in this life I have with Jacob, but deep down I still had that fear of the fire. When would it happen? Aunt Alice hardly brings it up anymore and it could only mean that we're safe or Dad told her to not talk about it with me. I have another life to worry about that I want to protect no matter what and not knowing what could be scares me. I guess that's a mom thing but I don't want to put my baby in any type of danger. The only people I really talked about it with were Mom and Jacob. I knew Jake was just as worried as me, but he wouldn't show it. Mom told me that our family will do everything in its power to keep the baby safe just like how they did for me.

The best advice I could give myself is to not dwell on it. If it happens, we deal with it then. What I need to be focused on is making sure Jake and I are ready for the baby. I received a text from Alice, telling me that we need to set the date for the baby shower and she'll take care of the rest. I thought it would be neat to do it the in August since we knew that Rachel would be having the twins soon. We wanted her to be fully healed before traveling anywhere. Grandpa Carlisle offered to fly our family from Washington up here so they could enjoy the baby shower. We had more than enough room for all of the family at our entire estate. I really wanted everyone Jake and I love to be around us during this special time in our lives.

Jake and I washed up after eating and relaxed on the couch. I got out my laptop and started up a Skype call with Rachel. I knew she'd be on her laptop trying to find a bigger home for her soon-to-be big family through real estate websites. I know she'll find the perfect home soon enough.

"Nessie! Fancy seeing you here." she waved at me, "Are you taking care of my brother?"

"I'm just fine, Rach." Jake exaggeratingly rolled his eyes.

His Golden Haze Part IWhere stories live. Discover now