What If They Bought Clothes For You

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"W-what is this?" You prodded at the huge expensive-looking shopping bags your boyfriend had just lugged in effortlessly. Knowing him, it could be something outrageous, like 50 Gucci bags or something.

"Open it," he told you.

Hesitantly, you opened one of the bags to find a flat box. It was holding a beautiful long white dress encased in tissue paper. Gasping, you lifted it out of the box, and the tiny rhinestones on the bodice glittered under the light coming from the lamp.

"It's beautiful," you said in awe, fingering the soft chiffon. Then you dropped it gently onto the bed. "But I'll never get to wear it. People like me don't wear elegant clothes like this."

Akashi took you firmly by your shoulders. "You look perfect either way. And we're going to a fancy ball my father's company is organizing. I want to show everyone how ravishing my girlfriend is."

Even though you weren't anything close to a princess, Akashi sure made you feel like a queen.


"What is this?" You looked at the pink bag Aomine had just handed carelessly to you.

"It was on sale, and I thought of you. You should wear it the next time we go on a date." He shrugged.

Yours eyes misted over. Never had your idiotic boyfriend ever done anything remotely romantic for you. This was the first time. Beaming, you opened the bag... And in it was a sexy nurse outfit.

There was even a gigantic cutout at the chest area, and it was so short and tight your parents would probably disown you if you were mad enough to wear it. The smile dropped right off your face, replaced by a menacing scowl.


"What? Is it the wrong size?" He asked lazily, apparently unaware of how much you wanted to strangle him.


Being a model, Kise had extremely great fashion sense and could choose very stylish clothes for you. However, on this occasion, he ran up to you excitedly, waving a bag in your face.

"Look! (First Name)-cchi! They recently launched a whole collection of Kise Ryouta merchandise!" He exclaimed, pulling out a shirt with his picture printed on it. "So I got some for you!"

He continued pulling out random items with his face printed on all of them. A sweatshirt, socks, boxer shorts, a cushion, a blanket.

"You want me to wear your face on my butt?" You stared incredulously at your boyfriend.

"Do you prefer the real deal instead?" He winked cheekily.

"As if!" You chucked the bag at his head, your face red. "I'm going to be forced to dream of you every night now with so many Kise faces staring at me, jeez."

"Well, that's great, because I already dream of you every night. So we would be matching, right?" Kise grinned.


You had just arrived at Kuroko's house, where the two of you agreed to meet for your date today.

"Here, (Last Name)-san." Kuroko handed you a bag rather bashfully. "I haven't gotten you anything since we started dating, so..."

"Oh, Kuroko-kun!" You beamed. "You honestly don't have to get me anything. But thank you!"

You opened the bag and pulled out a pretty lace dress. Squealing of happiness, you went to the bathroom to put it on right away, then ran out to the living room to show Kuroko without looking at yourself in the mirror.

For some strange reason, his face started turning extremely red, and he looked awkward and embarrassed.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry, (Last Name)-san... I never expected it to be so..." He began, struggling to complete his sentence.

Confused, you looked down and saw that the dress was very, very low cut. Flushing, you yanked up the neckline, but that just exposed your legs even further.

"Oh God, Kuroko! I just knew the quiet ones had to be the most perverted ones!" Kagami's voice suddenly yelled out from the kitchen, where he had apparently been the whole time.

"Kagami-kun, please don't look at (Last Name)-san," Kuroko said in his usual calm voice, though his face was still crimson and his voice was slightly higher-pitched than usual. "And you're wrong. It's just an accident. Really."


"Oh my God, what is this?" You screeched in horror at the monstrosity of a shirt your boyfriend had just passed to you, looking totally poker-faced.

It was a lime green shirt with yellow polka dots and a picture of what looked like a transvestite Mickey Mouse on the front. It looked like it was designed by a color blind toddler with very dodgy cartoon choices.

"It's your lucky item!" Midorima pushed his glasses up with his bandaged hand hastily. "(Star Sign)'s lucky item today is a green and yellow shirt! I just saw it randomly on the street so I bought it. I definitely didn't go hunting up and down for it!" He started looking more and more flustered as his tsundere tendencies kicked in.

Looking at your horrified face, he quickly added, "You don't have to wear it if you don't like it! It's not like I got it specially for you anyway..."

You didn't want him to be hurt, and honestly you were touched by his concern for you, so you clutched the shirt to yourself. "Who said I wasn't going to wear it? You got it for me. Of course I'll wear it. And well, at least I won't get hit by a car if I go out at night wearing this."

"Of course you won't," Midorima scoffed, secretly pleased that you were going to wear it. "Oha Asa's lucky powers will be watching over you."

"Nah, I'll look like a disco ball so no driver's going to miss me."


To your immense surprise, Murasakibara gave you a bag of something that wasn't snacks.

"It's Halloween, and you don't have a costume yet right?" He smiled lazily, munching on his potato chips. "I was passing by the costume store and I thought of you, (Last Name)-chin."

Touched that he remembered, you reached into the bag and touched something sharp and pointy.

"What the..." It was a bright pink bra with gigantic fake ice cream cones and fake whipped cream on the cups. It was like something straight out of a Katy Perry music video.

"You'll look so tasty wearing it, (Last Name)-chin..." Murasakibara said dreamily.

"Don't say that with such a weird face!" You blushed and stuffed the bra back into the bag (getting stabbed by the cones in the process).

"Ehhh? Why not? The ice cream looks tasty..."

Apparently, your boyfriend was so obsessed about the food that he wasn't aware he bought a bra for you to wear in public.


I really need to study for my test on Monday but here I am LOL.

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