"Uh, well technically-" I begun, not knowing exactly what I was supposed to say however it was supposedly nice of him to ask. They say something extraordinary never lasts, right?

Yep you guessed it. "You know what? You're right I couldn't care less". This is really sad, does he possess an emotion that is not hatred or rage? Is this how he is by the cause of his sister's execution? His anger seems to be the only way of expressing himself. I just wished he was a bit more open minded, if not then he should leave me out of his problematic life.

My way of expressing negative feelings is by behaving immaturely. And no one can stop me, not even him.

"Oh" was all I said, my brows furrowing in comprehension. No further questions Harry, so cherrish my silence while you can, for it won't last as long as you would have wanted it to.

He appeared to finally knock some sense into him, acknowledging the Great Wall of Provocation he's built inside of me. Though I ignored his need for my attention and crossed my arms. "Wait I shouldn't have said it like that" You really think so? I sarcastically thought. "Our deal is unbreakable. After all I am a man of my word" it took two seconds to know what this was all about.

"The deal." I nodded my head, dismayed. "Is that what matters to you so much? Screw the deal! I couldn't care less about it." ceasing expression to inhale, I took advantage of his silence; it appeared as though he wasn't about to say something anytime soon.

"What could possibly happen if the deal never existed? The usual- Torture me? To death or until I fall over my own sword? Just forget me and let us go in our own separate ways. Give yourself a break and don't allow this girl trouble you." I point to myself. "Since you think you're all that, why not do whatever the hell you want and disappear to Hawaii for a week? You could've been there by now if it wasn't for me holding you back. Don't you get it? I'm just burdening you because of a loopy decision none other than you made. Because you're a total asshole." I feel dandy now that I got that all off my chest. I could use a glass of milk- better yet, an actual meal.

I really meant what I said, I regret nothing. I am that force pulling him away from his type of fun he's missing out on, instead he has to deal with me and vise versa.

But I'll be out of here, give it a week.

Soon my parents will notice I'm no longer retrieving their calls and phone up the academy's administration to "report suspicious behavior" from their only daughter they aren't actually very fond of. They haven't been treating me like a human for just about a few years now, it can't be because they possibly wanted a boy, they would've treated me like an object from the start then. I never knew what they worked as either, my parents practically take turns in living in the log cabin we have beside our unimpressive house. They said that area was restricted, off limits, and I'd be punished if I just so much as came near it without consultation.

It never really occurred to me what the cabin could possibly have on the inside to be so confidential, they seemed to take much more interest in it than in me. I always thought it was a surprise just for me because whenever one of them was working in the cottage, the other would watch over me like a prisoner as I'd sit on our olive green stained sofa, that we had for nearly two decades, and watch tv with a bowl of Cheerios in my lap. But those were my thoughts before I was no longer naive. One day I figured they don't take a liking in me that much to do something special for me, deep down I knew they didn't stick around due to their love towards me, they did that to prevent me from even considering sneaking a glimpse on the inside and keeping me busy by handing me classic books with torn covers and coffee stained crumpled papers, whenever the satellite dish required repairing.

The thought still disheartens me, however I know they are not negligent. Busy, heartbroken -for some reason I cannot fathom- but not disregardful.

Yet other things had to be resolved before thinking about the management acknowledging my absence through my parents.

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