"What are you doing here?" Hoseok approached the two girls. Haru smacked Jisoo's hand away from Hoseok's ice cream. Hoseok was holding flowers in one hand.

"Hoseok! It's good to see you, oppa!" Jisoo smiled and jumped up to hang all over Hoseok. Haru scoffed.

"Get off me," Hoseok pushed Jisoo away. Jisoo looked offended. "Here. Sorry I took so long, I couldn't decide on which ones were best," Hoseok handed Haru the flowers. Haru exchanged his ice cream and Hoseok immediately licked the chocolate that was dripping down the side.

"Hoseok, are you busy? I was thinking we could catch a movie soon," Jisoo grabbed Hoseok's arm but he pulled away.

"I am. I'm very busy for a very long time. Come on, Haru. Let's leave," Hoseok and Haru began walking away but Jisoo was persistant.

"Here. My number," Jisoo handed a piece of paper to Hoseok. Hoseok took it. As Jisoo walked away, Hoseok tossed it into a nearby trash can.


Taehyung was stressed. Haru had been acting cold to him. He understood why but it frustrated him so much. He would text her but only receive a short reply. If he called she would either not answer or talk for a little bit and then she would say she had to go or that she was busy. Taehyung wanted to explian it but couldn't.

Taehyung dragged himself off the couch and went to Yoongi's. What happened was dangerous. It was risky and he didn't want something like that happening again so he marched up the stairs and into Yoongi's room where Yoongi was sleeping on the matress in a white t-shirt and shorts.

"Yoongi," Taehyung said. He was speaking in a stern voice. Yoongi groaned, tried waving him off and rolled so his back was facing Taehyung. "Yoongi!" Taehyung barked. Yoongi groaned and grumbled.

"What?" He asked, still laying down and back facing Taehyung. Taehyung sighed, annoyed.

"I need to talk to you," he said, gritting his teeth. Taehyung was mad. He didn't want to take risks like that again and bringing Haru in when she wasn't apart of it! Taehyung had no romantic relationship at all and she was in danger. He was trying to do what he thought was best.

Yoongi got up and sat at the table that was in the room. Taehyung sat across from him. Yoongi stared, rubbed his eyes and asked, "what do you need?"

"I'm out, Yoongi," Taehyung told him. Yoongi didn't react. No protests, his eyes didn't widen, and not a single hint of emotion flashed across his face. "Do you understand what mean?" Taehyung asked, making sure Yoongi would get the message.

"I understand but I, or you, can not fulfill that request," Yoongi leaned back in his chair. His voice was coated with a thick layer of sleepiness and he had slight bags under his eyes.

"That wasn't a request. It was a fact and a statement. I'm done working for you," Taehyung explained. How dare Yoongi take it as a request as if Taehyung didn't have a choice!

"I know, I know. Listen, Taehyung, you signed up for this. You can't leave this. Not yet at least. Kyungsin wasn't the last of his gang. You've provoked his boss and you don't get out until we're finished with the R.G," Yoongi shrugged. Taehyung was furious. How could Yoongi not tell him anything about what he had gotten into? Taehyung also was asking himself why he got himself into it. For money? Taehyung got by with the convience store - which he wasn't even sure why he still worked there if he had so much money.

"Why didn't you tell me this?!" Taehyung hit the table.

"I was going to call you today. R.G is the gang, I did the research last night, and their boss is Mr. Nam. I could tell you everything about him now or give you the file, work this out and then get this over with so I can pay you and you can leave. Which one?" Yoongi leaned foward again.

"Just give me the file," Taehyung grumbled. Yoongi got up, grabbed a file off his desk and tossed it at Taehyung. He told Taehyung to take it, read it, and leave him alone so he could sleep.

Taehyung may not have ended up where he wanted to with seeing Yoongi but it was just one more job and that could give him time to think. Maybe Yoongi wanted Taehyung to stay in their little 'group' or whatever but Taehyung wanted his life back to normal. He wanted to work in a small convienence store and killing people on his own, kind of like it was his hobby. The whole 'underground-hitman-assassin-crime' thingy wasn't really his fortè anyways.

"Just one more job, Taehyung. One more and I'll be done."


That ending wasn't good but oh well. I have ideas for the story still but they don't have an order so I apologize if these chapters seem a little messy and whatnot. I hope the story seems good though! Thanks for reading, let me know what you think! ~J

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