#15: i'm sorry i don't feel worse

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#15: i'm sorry i don't feel worse



i am afraid his anger will turn him into something i know he is not –

a monster i have never seen before. 

i heard it in his voice over the phone, 

and i sensed it in his texts when he demanded his gifts back.

i may be naïve but i'll tell you, i am not stupid.

i am patiently waiting for his immaturity levels

to burst towards the sky.

i am prepared to deal with any backlash

he may throw at me –

like the candles he threw at me

in my dream.

i knew this was coming 

and i am now bracing myself for it,

as if a storm is on the rise.

i am almost thrilled to learn both sides to a story

that i once empathized on his side of. 

he told me, that out of no where, 

she decided she just didn't want to be friends anymore.

you claimed you had no idea why. 

the day i told you, "i think we need to break up," 

her half of the story came to light;

and i had to hear the truth from someone else. 

i think it is disturbing that you left out the part

where you tried to grope her,

and then you act as if you're confused

when she suddenly doesn't want to be around you. 

i wouldn't have believed it then,

but now i do. 

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